Alain Decrop
À propos
Alain Decrop is Full Professor of Marketing at the University of Namur, Belgium. Founding member and former Director of NADI-CeRCLe (Namur Digital Institute - Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure) and CCMS (Center for research on Consumers and Marketing Strategy), he has also been President of the French Marketing Association (AFM). He holds master degrees in modern history and economics, and a Ph.D. in business administration. Alain Decrop has been teaching a number of courses related to marketing management, consumer behavior, digital marketing communications, research methods, services management and collaborative business models. He has been invited to teach and to conduct research projects in a large number of academic institutions both in Belgium (UCLouvain, KULeuven, USLB) and abroad (Universidad de Valencia, Baltic Management Institute, Université Gustave Eifel, Kedge Business School etc.).
Since 2020, Alain Decrop is cited in Stanford's list of the Top 2% most influent scholars in the world. His research interests include consumer behavior, collaborative economy, qualitative methods, and leisure/tourism marketing. He is the author and editor of many books including “Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World” (Goodfellow, 2021) and “Consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality research” (Emerald, 2017). His other works have appeared in a number of edited books and leading academic journals, including Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy Marketing, Journal of Travel Research, Psychology and Marketing, Recherches et Applications en Marketing, and Tourism Management. Finally, Alain Decrop has produced five films to document research outputs related to postmodern consumption. Three of these films have been awarded at major conferences and festivals.
Instituts de recherche
Centre de recherche
Domaines d'expertises
- Consumer behavior and decision making
- Postmodern consumption and identity
- Tourism and leisure marketing
- Qualitative and interpretative research methods
Responsabilités externes
Editorial activities
- Associate editor of the International Journal of Culture, Leisure and Tourism Research and of Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
- Former associate editor of Décisions Marketing
- Former associate editor of Annals of Tourism Research
- Member of the editorial board of Journal of Business Research, Recherches et Applications en Marketing, Décisions Marketing, Anatolia: a Tourism Research Journal, Leisuretourism.com (online journal and research resources in leisure and tourism), Carnets de la Consommation, Mondes du Tourisme.
- Co-chair of ACR’s film festival (Dallas, oct. 2018)
- Chair of EMAC’s tourism marketing track and of EMAC’s film festival (2012-2017)
- Chair of AMS’ World Marketing Congress tourism track in 2016
- Reviewer of many research papers for major conferences (EMAC, ACR, AFM, AMS), scientific journals (Advances in Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Anatolia, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Psychology and Marketing, Tourism Management, Gestion 2000, Recherches et Applications en Marketing) and edited books (Interpretive Consumer Research).
Executive education
- Program director and lecturer in the Certificat université et hautes écoles en Management hôtelier et touristique (Marche-en-Famenne)
- Lecturer in the Certificat interuniversitaire en Transformation Digitale des Entreprises (Charleroi) : Economie collaborative et nouveaux modèles d’affaires
- Lecturer in the « Supporters Liaison Officers (SLO) » training program, co-organized by URBFA (Belgian football association) and UEFA Academy
- Program director and lecturer in the Certificat interuniversitaire en Management du tourisme et des loisirs (2013-2023, Marche-en-Famenne)
- Invited professor at Baltic Management Institute (BMI), Vilnius/Lithuania in 2006 and 2007 (Executive MBA program, Operational Marketing)
- Invited professor at Leti-Lovanium International School of Management, Saint-Petersburg/Russia in 2001-2002 (MBA program, Customer Behavior).
- Marketing for SME’s, Marketraining, Instima/FUNDP (Nov.-Dec. 2005; Jan-Feb. 2007)
- In-company training : Strategic Marketing, GSK Biologicals (17-18 November 2005 and 23-24 November 2006)
- Board member of the Domaine des Grottes de Han (a major Belgian tourist attraction)
- Board member of AFM (French Marketing Association)
- Scientific board member of ESSCA
- Scientific board member of “Parc Naturel de l’Entre Sambre et Meuse »
- Strategic board member of “Les plus beaux villages de Wallonie”
- GA member of Piconrue-Musée de la Grande Ardenne
- Board member of STIMA (Belgian marketing foundation, until 2015)
- I have carried out many consulting activities for both public and private companies, especially in the tourism industry.
- Ph.D. in Business Administration (FUNDP). Title of the thesis: “Commitments and opportunities: Judgment and decision making by vacationers”.
- Master degree in Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences (with distinction) at the Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Economics degree (with distinction) at the Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix in Namur, Belgium. Specialization in marketing.
- Graduation for the higher secondary teaching (“Agrégation”) at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
- Modern History degree (with distinction) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Specialization in cultural contemporary history
- Best paper award at TTRA-Europe for "The transition of tourist souvenirs: From the holiday experience to everyday life". Angers, France, April 25-28, 2017 (with Julie Masset).
- The Judge's Best Videography Award at ACR Conference for "Tomorrowland Festival-A Heterotopia of Deviation". San Diego, USA, October 26-29th, 2017 (with Julie Masset).
- 2015 Outstanding paper award in International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research for the paper “This is a piece of coral received from captain Bob: Meanings and functions of tourist souvenirs” (with Julie Masset).
- Highly Commended Paper in Arts and the Market journal for “Videography in marketing research: mixing art and science” (with C. Petr and R. Belk).
- Best paper award for “The Père-Lachaise Cemetery: Between touristic experience and heterotopic consumption” at the 5th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference. Algarve, Portugal, October 2-4, 2013 (with Stéphanie Toussaint).
- Jurors' award (Gold Award) at the Association of Consumer Research's Film Festival. Vancouver, October 2012 (film: The Père-Lachaise Cemetery: Between touristic experience and heterotopic consumption. CONSimage. 33'; with Stéphanie Toussaint).
- People's choice award (Silver Award) at the Association of Consumer Research's Film Festival. Toronto, October 2003 (film: Colors and scarves : Symbolic consumption by soccer fans. CONSimage. 26' ; with O. Cabossart and C. Derbaix).
Consumer Behaviour and Experience [ELMSM408]
Digital Marketing and Communication [ELMSM412]
Economie collaborative et nouveaux modèles d'affaires [EMSGM225]
Marketing [EFASB352]
Marketing management [ECGEB284]
Marketing management [ECGEB284_P34514]
Projet : business plan [ECGEB264]
Projet : business plan [EIMIB215]
Projet : business plan [EITGB217]
Consumer Behaviour and Experience [ELMSM408]
Digital Marketing and Communication [ELMSM412]
Economie collaborative et nouveaux modèles d'affaires [EMSGM225]
Marketing [EFASB352]
Marketing management [ECGEB284_P30337]
Marketing management [ECGEB284]
Projet : entrepreneuriat [EIMIB215]
Projet : entrepreneuriat [EITGB217]
Collaborative Economy and New Business Models [EMSGM225]
Consumer Behaviour and Experience [ELMSM408]
Digital Marketing and Communication [ELMSM412]
Marketing [EFASB352]
Marketing management [ECGEB284]
Marketing management [ECGEB284_P27832]
Projet : entrepreneuriat [EITGB217]
Projet : entrepreneuriat [EIMIB215]