Learning outcomes

Learn to the student to perform a set of practical courses leading to a complete experiment of cellular biology, from the generation of a hypothesis to the cellular biology manipulation, through molecular biology.


Practice in the solving of biological questions.


The integrated practical courses are composed of 5 steps :

- asking a biological question and hypothesis generation

- development of an experimental strategy to test working hypotheses

- disciplinary working groups, design of experimental procedures and sharing of the expertises

- molecular and cellular biology experiments to test the proposed hypotheses

- presentation and discussion of the context and the experimental data


Assessment method

At the end the practical courses, a presentation of the performed experiements is made, by defining the context of the study, the obtained results and the interpretation that can be done. Each student presents a part and orally answers to a short list of questions. The attitude of the student during the practical courses  also contribute to the assesment.

If the student fails, a second session is organized, where the student is invited to present a part of the experiments, and is questionned about all the experiments done and the interpretation of the results.

Language of instruction
