The PHARE program at the University of Namur fights against moral and sexual harassment and aggression towards male and female students.

PHARE: a service available exclusively to members of the student community

PHARE's priority is to act effectively on the remediation side, offering optimal support for victims and witnesses.

Are you a witness or victim of harassment? Get in touch with PHARE!

Don't remain mute! This counter's priority is to act effectively on the "remediation" axis by offering accompaniment for victims and witnesses, through listening, orientation and support in the steps to be taken in the event of harassment. It's not always easy to make contact in a situation of moral, physical or sexual harassment or assault and acts of violence. That's why we're offering you several ways to contact us, in the hope that one of them will suit you.

  1. You can contact PHARE by e-mail at
  2. You can also form the number
  3. Or, you can complete the PHARE contact form

Whichever you choose, you'll be in contact with a trained listener who will guarantee the confidentiality of your call.

We remind you that VéCU services are also at your disposal for any psychological care or listening or psychosocial.

Please note, PHARE is not an emergency service!

Useful links in case of emergency

Telephone helpline available 24/7: 107

Emergency medical assistance: 112

Police assistance for victims in Namur (file a complaint): 081 246 611

Centre de Prise en Charge des Violences Sexuelles (CPVS) accessible 24/7

Cyber Harassment:103

Domestic Violence: 0800 30 030

UNamur staff members can contact the SerP (Service de Prévention): Jean-François Pirlot