An annual event promoting scientific and technological culture, Printemps des Sciences brings together the various players in higher education and research, as well as associations and cultural organizations.
The Faculty of Computer Science at UNamur invites you to Movsun KUY's PhD Thesis "Network Function Virtualization (NFV) at the Edge: Resource Constrained and Multi-Domain Environments".
Francqui Chair 2024-2025 of the History Department - Lesson 2
"Urban history and social tensions: the Southern Netherlands before 1302", is the theme of this 2024-2025 Francqui Chair of UNamur's Department of History.
Thinking and travelling on foot: exploring memory and nature
Event organized by the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters) in the presence of two authors, German and British respectively: Christiane Hoffmann and David Almond.
Francqui Chair 2024-2025 of the History Department - Lesson 3
"Urban history and social tensions: the Southern Netherlands before 1302", is the theme of this 2024-2025 Francqui Chair of UNamur's Department of History. The theme of the Chair's 3rd lesson: "Flanders' forgotten communal movement".
Francqui Chair 2024-2025 of the History Department - Lesson 5
"Urban history and social tensions: the Southern Netherlands before 1302", is the theme of this 2024-2025 Francqui Chair of UNamur's Department of History. The theme of the 5th lesson of the Chair: "The revolutionary wave of 1280-1302".