The University of Namur and the pedagogical department of the Haute école de Namur-Liège-Luxembourg are collaborating to set up intercultural exchanges as part of the Initiative Locale d'Intégration (ILI) project funded by the Walloon Region. The aim is to encourage intercultural dialogue on campus or within higher education establishments in Wallonia in general, and in Namur in particular. The University of Namur encourages exchange and intercultural dialogue between students from the four corners of the world.

Le cours de français langue étrangère

Des cours de Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) sont organisés depuis 2015 sur le campus, en partenariat avec le département pédagogique de l’Hénallux.

Les cours sont basés sur les recommandations du Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues à destination d’un public migrant désirant intégrer l'université, l’enseignement supérieur en Haute École, en Promotion Sociale ou la formation continuée. L'offre de cours concerne les niveaux B1, B2 et C1.

Pour plus d’informations à propos des conditions et des modalités d’inscription : 

Contact : Leila DERROUICH

E-mail: (accueil sur rendez-vous)

Pour toute demande d'inscription, veuillez compléter et renvoyer le formulaire ci-dessous sous format word ou PDF à l'adresse suivante :

Our projects

Projects in progress

Co-construction of a play with the climate environment as its theme. More information to come.

Previous projects

  • Photo workshop: "Identities"

For the year 2022-2023, one of the interculturality projects aimed to invite a multicultural public from higher education to meet during Q2 around several photo workshops with the support of professional photographers.

The workshops were moments of meetings, exchanges and creations during which multicultural groups agreed on a common theme to be represented in images.

This collaboration culminated in a vernissage and exhibition at Quai 22 in April 2023.

  • Intercultural Fortnight

Intercultural Fortnight took place from April 17 to 30, 2023. It's a shared moment of conviviality, expression, freedom and encounters open to all. The University of Namur seized this moment to organize conferences, debates and photo exhibitions linked to the theme, in collaboration with several partners.

Affiche Quinzaine de l'Interculturalité


Leila Derrouich

Gender and Diversity Unit