Chez Marsha

Chez Marsha is the circle for LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex and asexual) young people at the University of Namur. It has been in existence for some twenty years, and welcomes between 15 and 20 young people for evenings with a variety of themes: film screenings, debates, presentations by associations, board games, a "auberge espagnole", and so on. Chez Marsha is a safe place where they can express themselves and enjoy a convivial evening.

Follow "Chez Marsha": Facebook page / Instagram page.

Address: Rue de l'Arsenal, 5 A- 5000 Namur

Cercle des Étudiants Internationaux de Namur

The Circle of International Students (CeiNA) aims to promote multiculturalism and dialogue between students who come from different cultures and different parts of the globe. This student circle organizes several classic or themed evenings (sports, games, gastronomic, ...) and its gala.

Follow CeiNA: Facebook page / Instagram page.

Address: Rue de Bruxelles, 75 - 5000 Namur