Living in Namur

Small presentation of the city.
Namur, capital of Wallonia, is a fairly small city (around 110,000 inhabitants), spreading out from its historic center into the surrounding suburbs and villages, gradually integrating them into the city's various districts. The city's main urban area lies in a basin formed by two rivers: the Meuse and the Sambre. The city is dominated by the Citadelle, proudly built on the rocky spur overlooking the meeting of the two rivers.

Namur's city center is dedicated to shopping, education and services. In the stores, you'll find clothes, shoes, perfumes, food, books, crafts, gifts.... You'll have to go to the outskirts to find larger supermarkets.

In general, all stores (with the exception of night stores) are open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, banks and administrations from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and are closed on Sundays and public holidays.

The official currency in Belgium is the euro (€).


Culture at UNamur

The cultural activities on offer at UNamur are listed on the university's Culture website


Most films are dubbed. However, some cinemas offer films in the original version with French subtitles, on specific days and times.


This cinema offers a range of independent and art house films. Find out more


This is the cinema complex with the widest choice of films. It's not in Namur itself, but in Jambes. Find out more

Film festivals

FIFF (Festival international du film francophone) (in October)

Festival international du film de nature (in October)


Théâtre Royal de Namur

Théâtre Jardin Passion

Concert halls

Belvédère (pop, rock, blind test Fridays...)

Le Delta

Théâtre Royal de Namur

Café-concerts: Le Piano Bar, Le Shamrock, Le Petit Bitu, O'Flaherty...


Esperanzah! (early August)

Mosan Summer Festival (classical music) (July and August)


Namur en Mai (late May - early June)

Fêtes de Wallonie (3rd weekend in September)

Namur Beer Festival (in July)

"Foire de Namur (in July).


Catholic religion

Find out more

Protestant religion

Find out more

Islamic religion (mosques)

Rue Marie Henriette, 9 - 5000 Namur - 0479 47 08 49

Rue Courtenoy, 8 - 5000 Namur - 0477 35 07 96

Rue Denis Georges Bayard - 5000 Namur - 081 73 78 48

Orthodox religion

Greek worship: place Chapelle - 5002 Saint-Servais - 081 73 28 08

Russian worship: Chapelle canadienne - avenue de la Vecquée - 5000 Namur - 0496 96 75 15


According to the official holiday regulations, the following days are public holidays in Belgium (rolling dates available on the terrestrial calendar):

  • January 1 - New Year's Day
  • Easter Monday
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • Ascension
  • Pentecost
  • July 21 - National Holiday
  • August 15 - Assumption
  • September 27 -. French Community holiday (French Community only)
  • November 1 - All Saints' Day
  • November 11 - Armistice Day
  • December 25 - Christmas Day

The University of Namur is closed on certain days during the winter vacations. For an updated calendar, university members are invited to visit Terranostra.


Within the University, all internal calls are free. Your room is included in the University's telephone network. For external calls, you must type "0" (zero) before your correspondent's full telephone number. For internal calls, simply dial the last four digits of the telephone numbers listed in the UNamur directory.

There are several cell phone operators in Belgium offering different deals using prepaid cards or rentals. You can get information on all operators and rates at the various phone stores in the city center.

Practical information
Belgian area code32
Namur area code (international call)81
Namur calling code (national call)081
Code for international call from Belgian phone number00
Code for external call from University0


Most of the websites listed on this page are in French. However, you can find similar information on the tourism pages on the websites provided by the City.

At the university

The sports and leisure activities on offer at UNamur are listed in documents available at this address.

Swimming pools

The City of Namur has three indoor swimming pools, each located in three different districts: Salzinnes, Jambes and Saint-Servais. Learn more

Sports centers

There is a sports center called Centre Namurois des Sports, which is located very close to the Salzinnes indoor pool. Learn more

In Jambes, there's another sports center called Centre ADEPS La Mosane. Find out more

Covered climbing hall

At Jambes:

Mountain bike trails

Another way to discover Namur's surroundings.

7 mountain bike trails, signposted from Namur. Information and maps


The Ravel is a circuit that uses old railroad tracks to offer safe paths for anyone who wants to hike, bike, ride or rollerblade.

Tourist information

There are many places worth visiting in Namur (Museums, Citadel, Old Town, Cathedral), the surrounding area and throughout Belgium. You'll find plenty of useful information at the Square Léopold tourist office or on this site

Weekly market in Namur

Every Saturday morning (8:30am to 1pm), the public market is held in the center of town (along the Sambre, Bld Frère-Orban). You'll find mainly food and clothing. The food market takes place on rue de Bruxelles: vegetables, fruit, meat, halal meat, cheese, bread, pastries, spices... Those interested in organic food will also find local producers.

Organic market at La Plante (chaussée de Dinant - parking omnisports), every Friday from 3 pm to 6:30 pm.

Flea market on Sunday mornings from 8 am to 1 pm on the quai de la Meuse in Jambes, just after the Pont de Jambes.

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