Even if your course program at the University of Namur is in English only, you can take advantage of your stay to familiarize yourself with the French language. The University of Namur has developed a number of initiatives to help you improve your French language skills, which will facilitate your integration into French-speaking Belgium.

French language course (3 ECTS) during integration weeks

As part of the integration weeks organized before the start of the first term, the University of Namur offers French language courses (Français langue étrangère or "FLE") at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. These are complemented by cultural, administrative and/or tourist activities in the afternoons and evenings. These two weeks are part of the study program and equivalent to 3 ECTS.

French courses during the semester

UNamur also offers FLE courses at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels during the semester. The courses are organized by the university's School of Modern Languages. Each course lasts 2 hours per week and is worth 3 ECTS. A placement test, to determine each student's level, is organized at the start of each semester.

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Course selection and Learning Agreement

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Academic information

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Evaluation system

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