Students who are nationals of a European Union country or an associated country (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway and Switzerland) do not need a visa to study in Belgium. All other students must obtain a long-stay visa (type D).

If you are a national of an extra-EU country, you must submit your visa application to the Belgian Embassy nearest to your place of residence.

For the visa application, as an exchange student admitted by a Belgian higher education institution, you will need to provide proof of your admission to the mobility program.

This attestation is issued by UNamur's International Relations Department as soon as the admission procedure as an exchange student has been completed. As the procedure can be quite lengthy, students are encouraged to start it as soon as possible.

Proof of solvency

One of the documents required for the visa application procedure is proof of solvency.

For students without a sufficient scholarship, the recommended option is the "Blocked Account Procedure", which involves depositing a certain amount of money into the University of Namur's bank account.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the minimum amount required per month by the Belgian authorities is €803. The total amount to be paid is therefore €803 multiplied by the number of months the student will be staying at UNamur (generally 4 or 5 months for a quadrimester).

As soon as the University receives the money, the International Relations Department can draw up the document certifying that the student has sufficient means of subsistence. The student can then send it to the Embassy.

Once the academic year has begun, the student will receive a monthly transfer of €803 until the full amount is repaid.

Find out more about practical details


Administrative procedure

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French as a foreign language courses

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