Learning outcomes

Understand the causes, the cultural and historical foundations of the legal system of English speaking countries and the questions to which it is confronted. The course also constitutes a preparation for students who, later, will be working in English. One of the primary objectives of the classes consists in helping the students acquire a better understanding and practice of the English language, regarding legal matters..


Several topics will likely be addressed (this list is subject to change) : - History and founding myths of the American nation. A country of refuge and liberty and diversity. A country with a mission, established by social contract. How do these myths influence US law and the US approach to international law ? - Public and constitutional law: a few issues cause great interest and/or concern among US lawyers, e.g.: - Has America invented constitutional law ? Where does the separation lie between the three branches of government ("checks and balances")? - What is the place of religion in US government and law (« In God we trust ») ? - How is the individual citizen protected against the community ("tyranny of the majority") ? - The right to bear arms, flag desecration, the pledge of allegiance, ... - Law and civil procedure: - Punitive damages : how they work and why, possibly, they make sense. - Class actions in the USA: are they coming to us and why is it not such a bad thing ? - Boiler plate clauses and how to read a contract: why contracts are the way they are; how they are structured, how not to be overwhelmed. - Basics of legal writing : how to structure a legal opinion or text in English.

Assessment method

- Written paper (+/- 4 pages) in English on a topic chosen by the student (and approved by the teacher). - Short oral presentation of the paper. - Open books written exam in English on the topics discussed during classes.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelier en droit Standard 0 3
Bachelier en droit Standard 3 3