The University of Namur has set up an institutional repository for research-active members of the academic community to record research data. This includes publication data and data relating more generally to scientific activities (such as conferences) and research (research projects). Also registered are student dissertations and doctoral theses defended at the University of Namur.

The main IT tool for institutional repository is the PURE© application hosted on the University's servers. In particular, it enables the encoding, updating, consultation, graphical representation and export of data relating to the researcher (publication of a researcher profile) and to research (activities and publications).

The main institutional repository tool is the PURE© application hosted on the University's servers.


L’Université de Namur a mis en place un dépôt institutionnel destiné aux membres de la communauté universitaire actifs dans la recherche afin de pouvoir enregistrer des données de la recherche. Cela inclut les données de publications et les données touchant de manière plus générale aux activités scientifiques (telles les conférences) et de recherches (projets de recherche). Sont également enregistrés les mémoires de fin d’études d’étudiants et les thèses de doctorat défendues à l’Université de Namur.

Le principal outil informatique de dépôt institutionnel est l’application PURE© hébergée sur les serveurs de l’Université. Il permet notamment l’encodage, la mise à jour, la consultation, la représentation graphique et l’exportation de données relatives au chercheur (publication d’un profil du chercheur) et à la recherche (activités et publications).

Categories of personal data processed and purposes of use

For the purposes of this activity, the University of Namur processes data falling into the following categories:

  • General identification data [category grouping the following type of data: surname, first name, postal address, e-mail addresses, copy of identity card, passport photograph, telephone number ...]
  • Identifiers allocated by the University [category grouping the following type of data: student number, internal matricule number, eID for access to internal resources, access card identifiers, student card number ...]
  • Identification data with a third-party organization (Orcid identifier)
  • Data relating to the student's academic and educational background [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the student's academic career, annual program - teaching units taken - grades, credits, honors, diplomas obtained, country of issue of diploma(s), jury opinions, disciplinary decisions and appeals, final year work, internships completed...]
  • Data relating to internal and external mandates [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to mandates in various University bodies, in other institutions, applications for mandates ...]
  • Personal characteristic data [category grouping the following type of data: date of birth, gender, place of birth, marital status and nationality, residence status in Belgium, mother tongue, languages spoken, possession of a driving license ...]
  • Teacher academic data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to course assignments, teaching duties, duties as thesis promoter or jury member...]
  • Research valorization data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to research contracts, publications by members of the academic community, prizes and awards awarded, participation in competitions, services to the community...]
  • Connection and logging data [category grouping the following type of data: dates and times of connection, type of operation performed, user ID, IP addresses, type of data accessed...]
  • Authentication data [category grouping the following type of data: log in, passwords, password modification date, token ...]
  • Data related to IT resources [category grouping the following type of data: data related to user accounts, electronic communications, use of applications and software, use of storage tools in IT resources made available ...]

These data are used to:

  • Manage the conservation of dissertations/theses and scientific publications of which members of the university community are authors, co-authors or promoters
  • Manage the provision of information on research activities at the University of Namur
  • Manage the valorization of research activities carried out within the University of Namur, This includes the use of data to objectify research activities for the purposes of obtaining third-party grants
  • Manage the provision of statistical indicators for decision support in connection with research management
  • Manage the evaluation of research quality
  • Manage access to and use of the computer application for recording research activities (PURE©)

Basis for lawfulness of data processing

The processing activity is carried out because it is necessary to perform a mission of public interest related to research (Article 6, 1, e) of the RGPD).

This processing activity is part of the University's mission of public interest to participate in individual or collective research, innovation or creative activities, and thus ensure the development, conservation and transmission of knowledge and cultural, artistic and scientific heritage (Article 2, 2° of the Landscape Decree).

The decree of May 3, 2018 aimed at establishing a policy of open access to scientific publications (open access) more specifically provides that each institution of higher education is required to have or to be attached to an institutional digital archive enabling the researchers who depend on it to fulfill their obligation to deposit.

The University of Namur also has an obligation to implement a quality approach as part of the exercise of its missions.

Categories of people concerned

The categories of persons whose data are processed for the purposes of the business are as follows:

  • Final FNRS contractors
  • Staff members
  • Former staff members
  • Registered students
  • Former students
  • External research stakeholders
  • Academic staff members
  • Scientific staff members
  • Co-authors of publications
  • Responsible editors

Data sources

The data included in the processing activity comes from the following source(s):

  • The person himself provided it
  • The data is generated by an activity of the person

Data recipients

Data are processed solely by University individuals and departments for the purposes of carrying out the activity. Internal recipients of data belong mainly to the following categories:

  • Staff of the University's administrative services
  • Staff of the IT support services

External recipients of data belong to the following categories:

  • Publication data stored in the institutional repository are freely accessible.

Treatment features

The retention period is determined on the basis of the following criterion(s)

  • the need to retain data for operational purposes depending on the purpose for which it is used.
  • compliance with one or more different mandatory legal retention periods imposed by legislation

Data included in the institutional repository is retained indefinitely.

Connection logs to the PURE© application are retained for a maximum of 3 years.

Rights of persons concerned

The persons concerned by data processing have rights, which are described on the page. To exercise these rights, the data subject can contact or the Data Protection Officer (

Research-active members of the academic community can access, modify and encode research data in PURE© themselves. The tool also enables data to be exported in a structured way in the form of publication lists from data encoded in PURE©.