
The University of Namur participates in ranking systems for higher education institutions based on various criteria or activities (teaching and research). This involves providing aggregated information on these activities according to the factors evaluated, and in certain cases, proposing to the ranking company that it contact certain reference persons external to the University of Namur likely to give an opinion on the activities evaluated. In this context, the Université de Namur processes the data it holds to provide the information required for participation in the ranking and to select and solicit referees external to the Université de Namur.

Categories of personal data processed and purposes of use

For the purposes of this activity, the University of Namur processes data falling into the following categories:

  • General identification data [category grouping the following type of data: surname, first name, postal address, e-mail addresses, copy of identity card, passport photograph, telephone number ...]
  • Personal characteristic data [category grouping the following type of data: date of birth, gender, place of birth, marital status and nationality, residence status in Belgium, mother tongue, languages spoken, possession of a driving license ...]
  • Social data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the receipt of a study allowance from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, social assistance from a CPAS, family allowances, the granting of a scholarship by the University or another entity ...].
  • Data relating to the student's academic career [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the student's academic career, annual program - teaching units attended -, PAI - Programme d'accompagnement individualisé, grades, credits, exam registrations, honors, diplomas obtained, country of issue of diploma(s), jury opinions, disciplinary decisions and appeals, final year work, internships completed...]
  • Financial data relating to a student's and doctoral student's study registration [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the payment of tuition fees, the granting of a scholarship, a bank guarantee agreement or a financing plan (for non-EU students who cannot be financed (not assimilated)), amount allocated, duration of the scholarship...]
  • Data relating to student mobility [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to participation in a mobility program (eg. Erasmus), dates, institution of origin or destination ...]
  • Data relating to teaching and pedagogical activities [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the organization of work groups, formative activities, examinations, course evaluations, tests offered as part of success support, assignments carried out ...]
  • Data relating to the specific needs of students [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to specific needs in the support file, support plan, accommodations granted ...]
  • Professional data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to profession or professional activities, position in an entity outside the University, professional affiliations, paid educational leave ...]
  • Employment data [category grouping the following type of data: employer, title of position held, grade, status [academic, scientific, ATG], stream within status, salaried status, type of employment contract, duration of contract validity, working arrangements, occupancy rate, appointment decisions, previous functions ...]
  • Data relating to internal and external mandates [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to mandates in the various bodies of the University, in other institutions, candidacies for mandates ...]
  • Data relating to the retention of proof of authorization or consent [category grouping together the following type of data: dates of authorization, purpose ...]
  • Connection and logging data [category grouping the following type of data: dates and times of connection, type of operation performed, user identifier, IP addresses, type of data accessed ...]
  • Data relating to advice given in relation to the University's activities.

These data are used to:

  • Manage the preparation of reports requested by ranking companies
  • Manage lists of recipients of requests to participate in requests for opinions for the purposes of an external evaluation activity of the University's activities
  • Manage the preferences (consents, op out) of the third parties of reference contacted (acceptance or not)
  • Manage reporting on activity.

Base of lawfulness of data processing

When the University uses data to prepare reporting and the selection of a panel of referees, it is based on a legitimate interest in being able to participate in ranking systems that enhance and promote recognition on a national and international level of the activities of the University of Namur (Article 6, 1, f) of the RGPD).

It seeks the consent of external referees for participation in the evaluation carried out by the relevant ranking company (Article 6, 1, a) of the RGPD).

Categories of people concerned

The categories of persons whose data are processed for the purposes of the activity are as follows:

  • Registered students
  • Staff members
  • FNRS researchers
  • Former staff members
  • Former students
  • Alumni
  • Persons outside the University who are asked or referred to participate in an external evaluation of the University's activities

Data sources

The data included in the processing activity comes from the following source(s):

  • The person himself provided it
  • The data is included in a University database
  • The data comes from another source as described below
  • Publicly accessible sources (websites)

Data recipients

Data are processed solely by University individuals and departments for the purposes of carrying out the activity. Internal data recipients mainly belong to the following categories:

  • Staff of the University's administrative services

External data recipients belong to the following categories:

  • Ranking company

Treatment features

The retention period is determined on the basis of the following criterion(s):

  • The need to retain data for operational purposes depending on the purpose for which it is used.

Raw data used to draw up reports is kept for 3 years to enable updating in subsequent editions and answers to questions asked by ranking companies.

Reference person data is kept for 5 years.

At the end of this period, data is deleted or rendered completely anonymous and used for statistical purposes.

Rights of persons concerned

The rights of data subjects are described on the page. The first contact person for this is the department in charge of ranking management (qualité