The University of Namur has a Student Social Unit. This unit intervenes at the student's request, and its mission is to accompany, support and intervene, among other things, financially.

Categories of personal data processed and purposes of use

For the purposes of managing student financial aid, the University of Namur processes data in the following categories:

  • General identification data [category grouping the following type of data: surname, first name, postal address, e-mail addresses, copy of identity card, passport photograph, telephone number ...]
  • Identifiers allocated by UNamur [category grouping the following type of data: student number, internal matricule number, eID for access to internal resources, access card identifiers, student card number ...]
  • Data relating to the student's school and academic background [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the student's academic career, annual program - teaching units taken - grades, credits, honors, diplomas obtained, country of issue of diploma(s), jury opinions, disciplinary decisions and appeals, final work, internships completed...]
  • Data relating to family situation [category grouping the following type of data: marital status, data relating to parents, guardians and spouses, household composition, children ...]
  • Social data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the receipt of a study allowance from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, social assistance from a CPAS, family allowances, alimony payments and the income/resources of parents, guardians and spouses, the granting of a scholarship by the University or another entity ...]
  • Financial data related to a study enrolment for students and doctoral students [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to the payment of tuition fees, the granting of a scholarship, Annex 32 and proof of guarantor income (for non-EU students not eligible for funding) ...]
  • Data relating to loans granted to students [category grouping the following type of data: dates, duration and purpose of the loan, data relating to loan repayment terms ...]
  • Banking and financial data of individuals [category grouping the following type of data: bank account number, IBAN code ...]
  • Payment data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to a transaction, amount, date of payment, debtor, creditor, purpose of transaction ...]

These data are used for:

  • Follow-up on requests for information received from students on aid they may be eligible for from the University of Namur and/or other bodies
  • Take the necessary steps to examine the merits of requests for aid submitted to the University of Namur (in view of the student's financial and family situation as well as his/her academic data), ensure follow-up, analyze existing alternatives where appropriate, and ensure that the decision taken is implemented
  • Manage loans granted to students, including recovery of unpaid amounts
  • Administrative, accounting and financial management related to the granting of aid in its various forms (reduction of tuition fees, granting of a non-refundable allowance, student loans)
  • Providing information in the event of budgetary controls as required by law
  • Issuing certificates to students concerning decisions relating to their applications for aid
  • Producing statistics to gain a better understanding of the activity and needs of students and the Cellule

Basis of lawfulness of data processing

  • As part of the University's mission to provide assistance to students, for the management of requests for financial assistance made by students under the Décret Paysage (article 105) and the law of August 3, 1960 granting social benefits to universities and assimilated establishments: the processing activity is carried out because it is necessary to perform a mission of public interest as defined above (article 6, 1, e) of the RGPD).
  • As part of the examination of loan applications and, where applicable, the performance of the loan contract: the activity is necessary for the performance of a contract with the person whose data is processed or to perform measures taken with a view to concluding a contract at that person's request (Article 6, 1, b) of the GDPR).

Categories of people concerned

The categories of persons whose data are processed for the purposes of the activity are as follows:

  • Registered students
  • Family members and/or persons informed of the student's household composition

Data sources

The data included in the processing activity comes from the following source(s):

  • The person himself provided it
  • The data is generated by an activity of the person
  • The data is included in a database of the University
  • The data is provided by a third party or comes from a database of third parties

Data recipients

Data are processed solely by University staff and departments for the purposes of carrying out the activity. The internal recipients of the data mainly belong to the following category:

  • The staff of the University's administrative services

Depending on the type of request made to the Student Social Unit and in consultation with the student, the data may be sent to the following external bodies or authorities:

  • La Direction des allocations et prêts d'études de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (in the event of follow-up of the request, complaint concerning the decision, possible revision)
  • The C.P.A.S. (in case of "support" of a request for intervention, granting of an intervention by the CPAS)
  • Any organization, service, authority or person with whom the student requests that the Cellule sociale des étudiants collaborate

In addition, data may be communicated, to the extent necessary:

  • To the authorities empowered to carry out budgetary control of the University of Namur.
  • To third parties involved in legal or administrative proceedings in the event of a dispute (recovery of a student loan, student fraud...).

Treatment features

The retention period is determined according to the need to retain the data for operational purposes based on the purpose for which it is used. Data strictly related to the mission of the Cellule sociale des étudiants is kept for the duration of the student's enrolment at the University and for a period of 10 years from the end of the academic year in which the last financial intervention was granted to the student, in order to enable justification in the event of budgetary inspection and fraud management. Data communicated in the context of requests for information not followed by intervention by the Cellule sociale des étudiants are deleted at the end of the academic year.

Rights of persons concerned

The persons concerned by data processing have rights which are described on the page. Any requests or questions relating to the files handled by this Cell can be addressed to