Complementing our continuing education offering, the Salle de pros was inaugurated in May 2023. Located on rue Godefroid, it brings together 4 specialized continuing education centers: CeDES (center for economic and social didactics), CEDOCEF (center for studies and documentation in the teaching of French), CEFOPEF (center for continuing education in science and mathematics) and CEFOSCIM (training center for teachers and trainers). It offers a forum for exchange at the crossroads of research and the field, as well as training, resources and teaching tools. Coaching is also available on request. A cycle of themed conferences is organized each year.

Common goals

Active for many years in the continuing education of those involved in teaching, these four centers share the same goals:

  • To raise awareness and train teaching professionals to meet the educational challenges of the 21st century: collaborative and interdisciplinary work, digital teaching, active and innovative pedagogy, taking into account the heterogeneity of audiences, acting in a changing world...
  • Accompany changes in pedagogical practices by those involved in teaching.
  • Offer diversified spaces for exchange and training that respond to the specific needs of an adult audience.
  • Foster networking among education players.

A wide range of activities

  • Training courses commissioned by training operators
  • Certificates recognized by the ARES (academy for research and higher education)
  • Coaching on request
  • Thematic conferences
  • Teaching tools and resources

Themed conferences

Whether face-to-face or distance learning, the Salle des Pros conferences are designed as venues for listening to the questions that teachers ask themselves as part of their practice. They aim to:

  • Foster exchanges between practitioners and researchers
  • Support the professional development of those involved in education and training
  • Foster the creation of networks of education and training professionals
  • Enable the construction of knowledge
  • Meet the needs of the education and training field

The 2023-2024 theme: Well-being and motivation at school.

Personnes qui travaillent ensemble

A unique space

Located rue Godefroid, 7, close to the campus and a two-minute walk from the SNCB and TEC stations, the Business & Learning Center offers a warm welcome and quality service.

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