Finding the right path for you, developing a study project or even a career plan is no easy task. The world of higher education is vast and complex, while the professional landscape is constantly evolving.

Whether you're a rhetorician, student, graduate or adult returning to study, UNamur offers the help of two services to support you in this crucial reflection and help you make informed decisions.

Study info

Info Études welcomes you to answer all your questions about choosing a course of study, programs and course descriptions, prerequisites, reorientation, gateways and university opportunities in Namur.

The service also provides detailed documentation on the courses and services offered by UNamur, as well as on the course curricula of other universities and colleges in French-speaking Belgium.

The Medical and Psychological Unit

The Cellule Médico-Psychologique at the University of Namur helps you to get to know yourself better through interviews and tests, in order to guide you towards the careers that match your aspirations. Depending on your professional preferences, suggestions for studies will be provided.

Information is crucial!

A good orientation starts with a good search for information. Here are a few useful links to further your personal reflections:

This platform brings together essential information on over 2,500 study programs offered by recognized higher education establishments. You'll find details such as admission requirements, teaching methods, language of instruction and location of establishments.

This site offers up-to-date, high-quality information on various educational streams, vocational training, higher education and careers. You'll also find search tools to easily find schools, options and training courses.

Go through this job catalog to discover detailed descriptions, required skills, working conditions and training associated with over 1258 jobs.

Find out more about UNamur


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur