Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: Adsorption, Interfaces, Heterogeneous Catalysis
- UE code SCHIM103
36 24Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 6
- Teacher
This course describes both surface chemistry and colloidal chemistry as well as liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and gas-solid interactions. Theoretical concepts will be used for understanding the kinetics and reaction mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysis.
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
For part 1.
• Establish the relationship between surface tension and other thermodynamic variables
• Analyze the variation of surface tension with temperature
• Understand the pressure of curved surfaces and the capillary effect and vapor pressure on a curved surface
• Understand the molecular nature of the interfacial region between different phases
• Establish the different equations: Interfacial tension and its variation with concentration
• Understand internal pressure and its relationship to surface tension
• Understand the nature of adsorption (physical and chemical)
• Analyze the energy variation during adsorption and activation energy
• Determine the adsorption rate
• Understand the physico-chemistry of surfactants: classification, characteristics and dissolution of a surfactant
For part 2.
• Describe the characteristics of a heterogeneous catalyst
• Understand the chemical kinetics of a reaction that takes place on the surface of a heterogeneous catalyst
• Describe the main kinetic equations
• Analyze the adsorption steps at the surface
• Analyze and compare the activity of a catalyst with other reference solids (qualitatively and quantitatively)
• Understand the principles as well as the stabilization mechanisms of the different colloidal systems
This course describes surface chemistry and colloidal chemistry as well as liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and gas-solid interactions. Theoretical concepts will be used for understanding the molecular nature of the interfacial region, phenomena and kinetics and mechanisms of adsorption on solid surfaces and reaction of heterogeneous catalysis. The main objective of the course is to stimulate student reflection. The introduction of a new concept or a new theory often begins with the presentation of a problem, a phenomenon encountered or an observation in nature or in everyday life.
See table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Surface et interface
3. Nature moléculaire de la région interfaciale
4. Interfaces liquide-liquide et liquide-solide
5. Adsorption sur des surfaces des solides
6. Physico-chimie des surfactants
7. Catalyse hétérogène
8. Chimie colloïdale
The course is given in the form of a lecture based on a "PowerPoint" (available in PDF format in advance on WebCampus).
The teaching unit SCHIM103 is composed of two parts (part 1: chapters from 1 to 6; part 2: chapters from 7 to 8). Hence, the evaluation will be done on each of these two parts on the same day. This is a written exam lasting a maximum of 3 hours based on open questions and reflection problems. To validate the credits of the teaching unit, the student must obtain a averaged mark of at least 10/20. Each part will count for 50% of the final grade. To validate the credits associated with the teaching unit, it will be necessary to pass each of the parts.
In the event of a second session, the examination will cover the entire content of the Teaching Unit, therefore both parts. In case of failure in one of the parts, an exclusion rating will appear on the student's transcript.
Laboratory activities (TP) are mandatory and active participation will be assessed.
Surface and Colloïd Chemistry, K. S. Birdi, CSC Press,
Principales of Adsorption and Reaction On Solid Surfaces, Richard I. Masel, Wiley,
Principales of Colloïds and Surface Chemistry, Paul C. Hiemenz, Raj Rajagopalan, Marcel Dekker, Inc
Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena, Milton J. Rosen , J. Wieley,
Surfactants, and Polymer in Aqueous Solution, Jönsson, Lindman, Holmberg, Kronberg, Wiley
The colloïdal Domain, D. Fennell Evans, Hakan Wennerströns, Wiley-VCH
La juste Argile, M. Daoud, C. Williams, Les Edition de Physique,
Hetergeneous Catalysis, J. M. Thomas and W. J. Thomas Wiley-VCH,
Chimie des Surfaces Catalyse, Gabor A. Somorgai, Ediscience
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Standard | 0 | 6 | ||
Master in Chemistry | Standard | 0 | 6 | |
Master in Chemistry | Standard | 0 | 6 | |
Standard | 1 | 6 | ||
Master in Chemistry | Standard | 1 | 6 | |
Master in Chemistry | Standard | 1 | 6 |