Show - L'île en Mottes de Beurre
The University of Namur and Compagnie Gami present "L'île en Mottes de Beurre", intersecting tales of departures.
The University of Namur and Compagnie Gami present "L'île en Mottes de Beurre", intersecting tales of departures.
This is the story of several departures. Those we choose, those we undergo. Between necessities, ruptures and exiles, ten young people confront stories of flight and wonder what maps our life paths.
L'Ile en motte de beurre is a collective creation that explores the act of leaving a place, a person, a time in one's life. Through the intersecting narratives of ten characters, the show plunges into the intimate and the universal: fleeing a flooded city, learning independence through Erasmus, leaving a home where you no longer exist, detaching from a childhood friendship, confronting the failure of miscalculated autonomy. The show plays with temporal breaks, fragmented memories and echoes between stories. L'Ile questions our own relationship to departures in a mosaic of narratives. This project proposes a collective journey in which each spectator is invited to ask: what departures have shaped me?"
Admission price: UNamur members €5 / outside €7