Companies, administrations and organizations wishing to obtain information or consider collaborations with the university are invited to contact the Research Administration.

Financing and partnerships

Would you like to collaborate as a partner in a research project? Would you like to sponsor UNamur researchers in various projects and start "win win" collaborations?

Discover partnership and sponsorship opportunities for projects by consulting our advisors.

Would you like to know the principal partners of UNamur's Valorisation de la Recherche?

Technology offerings

Would you like to benefit from the expertise of a UNamur spin-off or technology platform?


Spin-offs are companies created downstream of academic research to economically exploit the know-how and results of research. They make a concrete contribution to job creation and economic growth.To date, UNamur has created 22 spin-offs, 16 of which are still in operation.

Click here to contact a spin-off.

Technology platforms

Research activities are made possible by outstanding teams grouped together in 9 technology platforms, each of which houses state-of-the-art equipment, technical know-how and cutting-edge expertise. They are accessible to the scientific community as well as to industry.

More information:

Technology transfer

Would you like to be informed about patents filed and available for licensing?

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