At the University of Namur, there are two groups of students who fight and commit to their own political vision: socialand liberal.

"Change, Optimism, Marxism, Activism, Creativity"

The Comac movement is the acronym for "Change, Optimism, Marxism, Activism, Creativity" of young people from the Belgian Labor Party. Comac is committed to social justice. Comac students fight for a society free of poverty and exploitation; for a society free of discrimination; for quality education accessible to all; for a fair economy. Find out more.

Follow Comac news: Facebook page / Instagram page

Cercle des Etudiants Libéraux Namurois (CELN)

The CELN promotes the development of the individual in a harmonious society, regardless of gender, economic, ethnic or cultural origin, or philosophical or religious convictions. Students belonging to this circle defend the fundamental principles of freedom, progress, humanism and democracy in a liberal perspective, on political, economic, social and cultural levels. Find out more.


Follow CELN news: Facebook page / Instagram page