Learning outcomes

• To understand the communication of organisations through its domains, its questioning, the processes implemented, operationalised through communication plans. • Enter into a collaborative logic with a view to producing a project that meets the communication needs of a real client • Reflexive analysis of group dynamics (management and communication students): the place of each person, their role, the collaborative arrangements made...


• Theoretical framework on organisational communication: Plenary sessions : • Is organisational communication a process? • The main areas • How did it evolve? Questioning and image strategy • Internal communication, external communication, "I love you, but I don't like you either". • What tools? Focus on the audit and the communication plan Contribution of scientific texts from the reading portfolio (via webcampus) • Resource articles related to the specific communication request • Project implementation : • Ownership of the client's request and universe • Reformulation of the request and proposal of a methodology (links between the theoretical inputs and the project) • Data collection and analysis • Synthesis of the whole process and construction of recommendations, presented through a written report (single deliverable) and an oral performance in public (jury)

Teaching methods

Multimodal operation: plenary sessions, meetings with professionals, company visits, work in sub-groups, etc. The project-based approach provides the opportunity for learning situations in which communication plays an important role and on which students will be led to question themselves (meta dimension). The course sessions are supplemented by practical work. The whole is conceived in a complementary manner and is therefore inseparable. Given the project-based nature of this course, attendance at the various sessions is essential.

Assessment method

• The evaluation will be mixed, in line with the methodology and according to the timetable presented at the start of the course • Individual assessment: 50%. • presentation of a theoretical contribution from the reading FP -> deliverable: support deposited on WC • active participation in courses, practical work, presentations, testimonies from professionals, and throughout the project • oral examination (in session) on the concepts studied • debriefing (in session) of the internal communication situations linked to the project -> deliverable: video capsule (30-45 sec audiovisual sequence) posted on WC (for 31/12) and answering the question: if there was only one element to be retained from the collaborative device of the business communication course, it would be... • Group evaluation: 50%. • Evaluation by sub-group on the contributions of the scientific texts to the project as a whole -> deliverable: collective production representing the useful contributions for the project and the objectives of the sub-group • Intermediate presentation to the client: reformulation of the request and methodology • Final jury to present the whole process and recommendations -> deliverable: public performance • Final written report -> single deliverable

Sources, references and any support material

• PPTs and references provided at the session and via webcampus

Language of instruction
