Learning outcomes

Knowledge of technical terms and theoretical notions useful for film analysis (current productions) Mastery of formal film analysis.


The aim is to be able to analyse a current film (or several films by the same author from a particular angle) by summoning up the useful cinematographic theory and technique seen in the course, by making use of a knowledge of the state of research on the film in question and by using any relevant document pertaining to the "genetics" of the film (interview, making of, cut scenes...).


The course is structured around a series of cinematographic processes or theoretical notions divided into opposable pairs (direction/freedom of the gaze, framing/decraming, fiction/non-fiction, inside/outside, masked/marked enunciation, etc.), mainly to serve the analysis of current cinematographic productions (those of the last twenty years).

Teaching methods

Each session usually includes an analysis of a particular film (to be seen beforehand) and extracts from other films related to the subject. The analysis is compared with the intentions of the directors, when known. A collaboration with the FIFF (Festival International du Film Francophone) is planned in the form of a screening followed by a meeting with the film team. A meeting with a director is also scheduled during the term.

Assessment method

The evaluation is based on the public presentation of the analysis of the film(s) chosen by the student (20 min. presentation) and on the written work of this analysis (20,000 characters, spaces included) or in audiovisual form.

Sources, references and any support material

A glossary and bibliographical references will be distributed during the course.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Advanced Master in Film Studies Standard 0 5
Advanced Master in Film Studies Standard 1 5