The program is designed to enable you to choose the most appropriate subjects to prepare you for your first university year in mathematics and physics. This session is aimed primarily at students who are completing studies in which the mathematics program consists of six hours or less per week, or who feel insufficiently prepared to tackle a first year in mathematics or physics. These courses should enable you to refresh your knowledge on certain points, but also to get in touch with university teaching.

Course schedule

From August 26 to September 06, 2024

Courses are held daily between 9am and 12:30pm for the morning and in the afternoon from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.


  • Mathematics

  • Physics

  • Methodology of academic work

An opportunity to discover the campus

Preparatory courses are also the ideal time to get to know the Namur campus. Alongside the disciplines studied, a 2-hour guided tour of the university site and the Faculty is organized on the first day. It's an opportunity to get to know Namur students and find out more about studies, the Faculty and extra-curricular activities.

Etudiantes de l'UNamur

Registration fees

Registration is €90 and includes course attendance and syllabi.

In certain cases, UNamur grants free or partial reimbursement of registration fees. Consult the conditions to benefit from these advantages.

prépa médecine inscriptions

Register for preparatory courses

For preparatory courses for future mathematics and physics students, registration takes place online from March 23 to August 20, 2024. Visit the online registration platform to start your journey at the University of Namur.