Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will be able:

  • As a reader and user of a map: to look critically at its design: choice of cartographic projection and cartographic techniques (choice of phenomena represented, choice of visual variables, layout...)
  • As a map designer: choose the optimal cartographic projection, choose the appropriate cartographic techniques (choice of represented phenomena, visual variables, discretization method and symbology codes)
  • To calculate the main deformations generated by the different cartographic projections studied during the course
  • To produce a simple thematic map using a geographic information system (GIS) software.



The main objective is to master the basic mapping techniques for an appropriate cartographic message. This course serves as an introduction to the 2nd degree course in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).



  • Projections and photogrammetry
  • Thematic Mapping


Assessment method

First session:

  • Written exam on the theoretical part (75% of the final mark).
  • The practical part (25% of the final mark) is evaluated on the basis of the daily work (practical work reports).

Second session:

  • Written exam on the theoretical part (75% of the final mark).
  • The points obtained in the first session for the practical part remain valid in the second session.

The theoretical and practical parts form 2 different learning activities. Each part can be validated as soon as the 10/20 is reached.

Attendance at the exercises and the submission of reports are mandatory. Any absence from the practical sessions not justified by an official document and any delay in handing in a practical report will be sanctioned.


Language of instruction
