
The University of Namur collects and uses personal data from people interested in activities and who wish to contribute or participate in them. This activity is more broadly part of development management thanks to the donations that the University of Namur solicits and benefits from to carry out its activities and projects.

Categories of personal data processed and purposes of use

For the purposes of this activity, the University of Namur processes data in the following categories:

  • General identification data [category grouping the following type of data: surname, first name, postal address, e-mail addresses, copy of identity card, passport photograph, telephone number ...]
  • Identifiers assigned by public authorities [category grouping the following type of data: NISS, passport number, identity/residence card number, national or national bis register number, driving license number, license plate...].
  • Banking and financial data of natural persons [category grouping the following type of data: bank account number, IBAN code, VAT details ...]
  • Payment data [category grouping the following type of data: transaction data, amount, date of payment, debtor, creditor, purpose of transaction ...]
  • Registration data [category grouping the following type of data: date of registration, purpose of registration ...].
  • Data relating to the preservation of proof of authorization or consent [category grouping the following type of data: dates of authorization, purpose ...]
  • Data relating to donations made (amount, date, context of donation ...)
  • Data mentioned on tax certificates (order numbers, tax year ...)

These data are used to:

  • Manage donation collection campaigns;
  • Record and track donations that are made for the benefit of the University of Namur;
  • Correspond with donors and alumni to share information about the results of the University of Namur and its activities with the aim of encouraging them to contribute to or participate in the activities of the University of Namur.
  • Manage the updating of contact details of donors who have already made donations and their preferences regarding communications;
  • Prepare and send tax certificates to donors;
  • Perform accounting operations and tax declarations relating to donations.

Basis of lawfulness of data processing

As a university with a mission of scientific research and developing services for the community, we believe we have a legitimate interest in working to support our activities by organizing donation campaigns and maintaining a link with our donors. In addition, whenever a donor makes a request, we have a legal obligation to issue a tax certificate that contains legally defined information and involves processing of the donor's data.

  • The activity of managing the collection of donations is carried out on the basis of a legitimate interest of the University (Article 6, 1, f) of the RGPD) which consists in being able to collect donations for the financing of projects supported or carried out by the University.
  • Contact data may be reused to send communications concerning other donation collection campaigns by the University of Namur or information on projects and activities carried out thanks to donations. This falls under a legitimate interest of the University (Article 6, 1, f) of the RGPD) to be able to ensure the promotion of activities organized at the University and donation collection campaigns carried out by the University.
  • The collection and use of data for the management of tax and accounting obligations in connection with the collection of donations is necessary to perform or comply with a legal obligation (Article 6, 1, c) of the RGPD). In particular, the University of Namur has a legal obligation to issue a tax certificate that contains legally defined mentions and involves processing of the donor's data (article 323/3 CIR 92).

Categories of people concerned

The categories of people whose data is processed for the purposes of the activity are as follows:

  • Alumni
  • Donors, patrons and sponsors
  • People mentioned in the description of the activities for which a donation campaign is organized.

Data sources

The data included in the processing activity comes from the following source(s):

  • The person himself provided it
  • The data is generated by an activity of the person
  • The data is included in a database of the University
  • The data is provided by a third party or comes from a database of third parties: Identification data may be obtained in the ECB for the establishment of tax certificates relating to donations made.

Data recipients

Data are processed only by University individuals and departments for the purposes of carrying out the activity. Internal data recipients mainly belong to the following categories:

  • Staff of the University's administrative services

External data recipients belong to the following categories

  • External contractor acting on behalf of and on the instructions of the University (see also information available on
  • Accounting and financial bodies (Banks, Auditor)
  • Notary of the University in the context of legacies
  • Public Service entities: Tax Administration

Treatment features

The retention period is determined on the basis of the following criterion(s):

  • The need to retain data for operational purposes depending on the purpose for which it is used.

Donor contact data is kept for the purpose of tracking donations and transmitting information relating to the use of donations and UNamur activities.

If a donor or alumni no longer wishes to be included in the contact lists, he or she is removed from the lists.

  • Compliance with one or more of the mandatory legal retention periods imposed by legislation.

Data in the accounts is kept for the legal period.

Rights of persons concerned

The rights of data subjects are described on the page. In particular, they have the right to object to the use of their data for unsolicited communications. The first point of contact for this purpose is the Sponsorship, Donations and Legacies Manager (