Learning outcomes

Study of more than one hundred elements and their combinations. Study of the relationships between trends in the reactivity, structure and properties of elements and their compounds and their place in the periodic table. Design of the basis (theoretical, structural) for the formation and improvement of modern materials such as catalysts, semiconductors, optical fibres, non-linear optical devices, superconductors and ceramic materials


Inorganic chemistry is a vast and important field, ranging from the nature and structure of minerals, to the involvement of metals in biological structures, to the design of novel materials with diverse properties. Ionic compounds range from ionic solids that can be described simply with the electrostatic model, to covalent compounds and metals, which are best described using quantum mechanical models. For the rationalisation and interpretation of most inorganic properties, qualitative models based on quantum mechanics, such as the properties of atomic orbitals and their use in the formation of molecular orbitals.

Teaching methods

Oral presentation with the help of the video projector, overheads and the board The introduction of a new concept or theory often starts with the presentation of a problem, an encountered phenomenon or an observation in nature or in everyday life. This presentation would stimulate the students' thinking.

Assessment method

The written exam (2h): the student receives different questions on different chapters of the course in the form of numerical problems to solve and experimental observations to explain. These questions therefore require the intervention of many concepts evoked in the course material. The main objective of the exam is to assess the extent of the knowledge acquired and the ability to use all the concepts to solve complex questions.

Sources, references and any support material

Inorganic Chemistry, Huheey, Keiter, De Boeck, Inorganic Chemistry, Gary Wulfsbey, Dunod, Inorganic Chemistry, Shriver, Alkins, De Boeck, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J. D. Lee, Blackwell Science, Inorganic Physical Chemistry, Sidney F. A. Kettle, De Boeck, Inorganic Chemistry, James E. House, Academic Press

Language of instruction
