Accessibility to and around the University

The University of Namur ensures that its roads and buildings are easily accessible to people with reduced mobility.

External associations


For over 20 years, Atingo, formerly named, GAMAH (Groupe d'Action pour une Meilleure Accessibilité aux personnes handicapées), develops all actions aimed at improving the accessibility of public spaces, transport and buildings so as to enable people with reduced mobility to acquire maximum autonomy.

Pedibus service

The Pedibus Service offers a series of information, training, animation and mediation tools aimed at implementing the synergies necessary and sufficient to guarantee the quality of pedestrian travel in our towns and villages.

Service Passe-Partout

The Service Passe-Partout has developed, with the support of the Walloon Region, a unique method for analyzing in great detail the accessibility of buildings according to 6 categories of People with Reduced Mobility, and doing so with an emphasis on individual autonomy: Indice Passe-Partout.


AccessAndGo-ABP, formerly AccessAndGo asbl and ABP asbl, works daily to improve the accessibility of our society and accompany people with reduced mobility (PRM) in the different stages of their lives. Whether it's people in wheelchairs, walking with difficulty, the blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, with comprehension difficulties but also families with baby carriages, the elderly, expectant mothers, travelers or those temporarily injured, all citizens are concerned by the daily struggle of AccessAndGo-ABP. Learn more...