Sustainable mobility is a key concern for UNamur. Several mobility-related initiatives have thus been taken by our institution.

Company Travel Plan (PDE)

Targeting a sustainable campus in both form and content! This is UNamur's determination through its UNIVERS2025 strategic plan. The PDE is the first milestone on the road to more sustainable mobility. The latter was finalized in 2023, and various actions are currently being carried out as a result to achieve the objectives set by the institution in terms of modal shift from the car to other modes of transport.

Encouraging sustainable mobility

UNamur encourages the use of sustainable modes of transport by:

  • providing visitors and staff members with accurate and useful information on the possibilities of accessing the campus with different modes of transport
  • intervening financially in the for staff members' home-to-work travel costs: by fully reimbursing train and bus season tickets (TEC) or by paying an allowance of €0.35 / km for the use of a bicycle to get to work
  • reimbursing business trips made by bicycle up to a maximum of €0.35 / km
  • providing bicycle infrastructure (closed bicycle room, showers, ..)
  • participating as a pilot entity in the "Tous vélo actifs" initiative, which aims to encourage the use of bicycles for commuting. UNamur has been awarded a 4 out of 5 star label
  • giving priority to pedestrians all around the campus
  • providing information on each mode of transport (bike, bus, train, car, ...) to raise awareness and inform campus users about mobility issues and alternatives to the car in the city.

Mobility research

The Transport Research Group at UNamur has been contributing to the search for sustainable solutions to mobility problems for some thirty years.

For further information

You can consult the pages specific to each travel mode, as well as the pages on combining several modes:



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Reduced mobility

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On foot

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