The Research Administration (ADRE) of the University of Namur sets up training and awareness-raising activities on research topics. This involves sending out papers and organizing training courses.


L’Administration de la Recherche (ADRE) de l’Université de Namur met en place des activités de formation et de sensibilisation sur des thématiques de la recherche. Ceci implique l'envoi de communications et l'organisation de formations.

Categories of personal data processed and purposes of use

For the purposes of this activity, the University of Namur processes data in the following categories:

  • General identification data [category grouping the following type of data: surname, first name, postal address, e-mail addresses, copy of identity card, passport photograph, telephone number ...]
  • Professional data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to profession or professional activities, position in an entity outside the University, professional affiliations...]
  • Registration data [category grouping the following type of data: date of registration, purpose of registration ...]
  • Attestation of attendance or participation data[category grouping the following type of data: dates of attestation, purpose ...]
  • Sound, photo or video recording data [category grouping the following type of data excluding CCTV images and passport photo: recordings, metadata associated with recordings .... ]
  • Data relating to professional experience and skills [category grouping the following type of data: CV, language skills, previous experience, references ...]
  • Data relating to the valorization of research [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to research contracts, publications by members of the academic community, prizes and awards awarded, participation in competitions, service to the community...]
  • Data as described below:
  • Status student/staff member
  • Belonging to a research sector
  • Affiliation with research institutes

These data are used to:

  • Manage the sending of communications concerning research to members of the university community and to people external to the University
  • Manage registration for training courses organized by ADRE
  • Manage the organization of training courses (selection of trainers ..)
  • Establish reporting statistics for donors who grant funding for these activities
  • Evaluate the quality of training courses and activities organized by ADRE

Basis for lawfulness of data processing

The processing activity is carried out because it is necessary to perform a task of public interest related to research (Article 6, 1, e) of the GDPR).

Categories of people concerned

The categories of people whose data is processed for the purposes of the business are as follows:

  • Members of a mailing list
  • Participants in an event or meeting
  • Registered students
  • External stakeholders linked to teaching and training
  • External stakeholders in research
  • Staff members

Data sources

The data included in the processing activity comes from the following source(s):

  • The person himself provided it
  • The data is included in a University database

Data recipients

Data are processed solely by University individuals and departments for the purposes of carrying out the activity. Internal data recipients mainly belong to the following categories:

  • Staff of the University's administrative services
  • Communication administration

External data recipients belong to the following categories:

  • Donors

When required by the donor for the purpose of verifying the use of funds, supporting data relating to the subsidized activities are communicated to them. This may include data concerning the participants in these activities (surname, first name, address). In all other cases, reporting data is anonymized (aggregated statistics) before being communicated to funders.

  • External service providers (for services provided by these service providers as subcontractors within the meaning of the RGPD, e.g. for mailing management).

Treatment features

The retention period is determined taking into account the need to retain the data for operational purposes according to the purpose of its use.

Data must be retained for auditing purposes by donors.

Rights of persons concerned

The persons concerned by data processing have rights, which are described on the page. To exercise these rights, the data subject may contact ( or the Data Protection Officer (