The PhD welcome pack

The "PhD Welcome Pack" is aimed at people wishing to embark on a doctorate, doctoral students and PhDs. It's a toolbox designed to help you on your PhD journey. Tips and tricks, articles, conferences, appointments, you'll find a wealth of information to support you.

The PhD Welcome pack

Why and how to start a PhD

  • The advantages of a PhD
  • Preparing for your PhD
  • Questions to ask yourself before starting a PhD
  • The legal framework

How to manage your doctorate

  • Managing your doctoral career
  • Doing a doctorate with an assistantship
  • Cross-disciplinary skills
  • Writing your thesis
  • Promoting your research
  • Researchers' rights and duties
  • Coping with difficulties


  • Job opportunities after the doctorate

Intellectual property

  • The lab notebook, electronic version: don't lose your memory!
  • Invention declaration (ID), the starting point for your projects and collaborations.
  • Researchers, research and results: UNamur's IP regulations.
  • The maturation charter ? Action ... Innovation !
  • The regulations concerning spin-off projects.

All these documents are available on request. Contact:

Documents, agreements, contracts

For any information regarding documents or contracts, please do not hesitate to contact the legal support of ADRE.

ICT and data protection

  • UNamur Apps Developper, an opportunity for researchers to disseminate the results of their research in the form of a PC, cell phone or tablet application.
  • Valolo, the guide to software valorisation.
  • IT guide: Advice and information for staff members on the use of IT resources. (Document available on the intranet)
  • Personal data protection (Document available on the intranet)
  • Informatics guide (Document available on the intranet)
  • DoARNum : Resources to support the scientific community in managing and sharing their data

Vademecum of Financial Services

The Accounting Unit centralizes all the Institution's accounting documents. Internal document available on request.

Contact :


  • The Administration de la Communication (AdCom) designs and distributes messages for different audiences, both internal and external: website, support for scientific meetings, congresses, colloquia, kick-off meetings, brochures, leaflets and presentation videos. Contact:
  • Le Confluent des Savoirs (CDS) creates a link between the world of research and the general public by supporting researchers in the production of popularized media. Visit the Confluent des Savoirs page.
  • Private groups on Facebook: Doctors@UNamur and UNamur Community.


The TRAKK is a place supported by 3 partners, the BEP, the KIKK and the University of Namur. Located in the center of the Walloon capital, TRAKK is a space dedicated to cultural and creative industries, and digital.

The LiEU network

The LiEU Network brings together the Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTOs) of the five universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. LiEU is a single gateway to all the universities' skills: it brings together researchers and private or public partners with a view to stimulating collaborations.

Researcher services

  • Researcher's interactive memo
  • Thematic fact sheets: fundraising, European patent, freedom to operate, dual-use

Intellectual property protection

The Digital learning platform : Discover 3 modules : Whatever the level of maturity of your research project, whatever the discipline in which you work: Intellectual Property concerns you.

The Software disclosure form, the identity card for your software