Categories of personal data processed and purposes of use

For the purposes of this activity, the University of Namur processes data in the following categories:

  • General identification data [category grouping the following type of data: surname, first name, postal address, e-mail addresses, copy of identity card, passport photograph, telephone number ...]
  • Personal characteristic data [category grouping the following type of data: date of birth, gender, place of birth, marital status and nationality, residence status in Belgium, mother tongue, languages spoken, possession of a driving license ...]
  • Family status data [category grouping the following type of data: marital status, data relating to parents, guardians and spouses, household composition, children ...]
  • Teacher academic data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to course assignments, teaching loads, thesis sponsor or jury member loads...]
  • Data relating to professional experience and skills[category grouping the following type of data: CV, language skills, previous experience, references...]
  • Professional data [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to profession or professional activities, position in an entity outside the University, professional affiliations...]
  • Data relating to academic and educational background [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to academic career, student's annual program - teaching units attended -, grades, credits, honors, diplomas obtained, country of issue of diploma(s), jury opinions, disciplinary decisions and appeals, end-of-study work, internships completed...]
  • Data relating to employment [category grouping the following type of data: employer, title of position held, grade, status [academic, scientific, ATG], stream within status, salaried status, type of employment contract, duration of contract validity, work arrangements, occupancy rate, appointment decisions, previous functions ...]
  • Identifiers assigned by public authorities [category grouping the following type of data: NISS, passport number, identity/residence card number, national or national bis register number, driving license number, license plate...]
  • Data relating to the valorization of research [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to research contracts, publications by members of the academic community, prizes and awards awarded, participation in competitions, services to the community...]
  • Data relating to internal and external mandates [category grouping the following type of data: data relating to mandates in various University bodies, in other institutions, applications for mandates ...]

These data are used to:

  • Manage the constitution of research project dossiers according to the rules imposed by funding bodies
  • Manage the selection of research projects
  • Manage the constitution of research project selection committees
  • Manage the search for external evaluators of research projects
  • Manage the search for sources of funding for research projects
  • Prepare activity reports requested by funding bodies

Basis for lawfulness of data processing

The processing activity is carried out because it is necessary to perform a mission of public interest related to research (Article 6, 1, e) of the RGPD). The Landscape Decree includes among the University's missions that of participating in individual or collective research, innovation or creative activities, and thus ensuring the development, conservation and transmission of knowledge and cultural, artistic and scientific heritage. Assistance in setting up projects is necessary for the realization of this mission.

Special data processing

In the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes, the University of Namur is also required to process data falling into the following special categories:

  • Data relating to physical health
  • Data appearing on a certificate drawn up by a health professional (maternity, recognition of a disability, health attestation)

The processing of data falling within this particular category is justified by the fact that it is necessary for the purposes of fulfilling the obligations and exercising the rights specific to the University of Namur or the data subject in terms of employment law, social security and social protection (Article 9, 2, b) of the RGPD).

Data are processed only insofar as they are necessary to submit a complete file to the funder.

Categories of people concerned

The categories of people whose data is processed for the purposes of the activity are as follows:

  • Staff members
  • Former staff members
  • External research stakeholders
  • Members of partner associations or organizations
  • Researchers FNRS
  • Candidates for a position or function
  • Family members or informants of the person concerned
  • Doctors
  • External consultants
  • Treatment subcontractors
  • .subcontractors
  • Jury members

Data sources

The data included in the processing activity comes from the following source(s):

  • The person himself provided it

Data recipients

Data are processed solely by University individuals and departments for the purposes of carrying out the activity. Internal data recipients mainly belong to the following categories:

  • Staff of the University's administrative services
  • Staff of faculties and departments
  • Staff of research institutes and centers
  • Staff of the human resources department
  • Members of University bodies (Rector, Board of Governors, Rector's Council, GA,...)

External data recipients belong to the following categories:

  • Donors or entities mandated to control the use of funds or subsidies

When required by the donor for the purpose of verifying the use of funds, supporting data relating to subsidized activities are communicated to the donor. This may include data relating to the beneficiaries of these activities. In all other cases, reporting data is anonymized (aggregated statistics) before being communicated to funding bodies.

  • External auditors
  • Teaching partners
  • External contractors
  • Public Service entities
  • Research partners
  • Research centers and laboratories
  • Consultants, particularly in the context of missions entrusted by the University in terms of project set-up

Treatment features

The retention period is determined taking into account the need to retain data for operational purposes according to the purpose for which it is used, in particular the time limits imposed by funders to enable audits

In the context of the processing activity, the University of Namur is likely to transfer personal data outside the territory of the European Economic Area (EEA), namely to the territory of Great Britain in the context of subcontractor contracts or to funders located outside the territory of the EEA.

These transfers take place, depending on the case, under cover of the following grounds or guarantees:

  • The transfer takes place to one or more of the countries that have been recognized by the European Commission as offering an adequate level of protection
  • The transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract between the individual and the University or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the individual concerned

Rights of persons concerned

The persons concerned by data processing have rights, which are described on the page. To exercise these rights, the data subject may contact ( or the Data Protection Officer (