
The program

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1.Bachelor's degree programs

Information stands and discovery trails in the Faculty

From 1pm to 5pm

Economics and Management

  • Structure and specific features of the program
  • 2 streams: Economics and Management
  • Project-based learning (block 1 to block 3)

"MI" or "SEV"

  • Program structure and specifics
  • 2 streams: Information Management / Environmental and Life Sciences
  • Project-based learning (block 1 to block 3)

Information and Communication

  • Program structure and specifics
  • 3 streams (from block 2): Journalism and news media / Organizational communication / Culture and audiovisual
  • Project-based learning (block 1 to block 3)

Political Science

  • Programme structure and specifics
  • 2 streams (from block 2): Political issues in contemporary societies / International relations
  • Project-based learning (block 1 to block 3)

2. Cross-disciplinary subjects

Information stands from 1pm to 5pm

  • Language and language training
  • Training in quantitative methods
  • Stays abroad
  • Educational support

3. Staggered timetable teaching

Meeting from 1pm to 5pm

  • Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management with Valorization of Prior Experience (VAE)
  • Master's degrees in Economics (60 and 120 credits)
  • Master's degrees in Management (60 and 120 credits)
  • Master's degree specializing in Management and Economics of Sustainable Development (60 credits).

Assets of our graduates

  • Courses on environmental and social transition in every program;
  • Exercises discussed in groups alongside most disciplinary teaching;
  • English for all, with the possibility of taking courses and presenting work in English;
  • Training in a second foreign language of choice (Spanish, Dutch, German);
  • Social commitment to be enhanced in Block 3 by concrete experience.

To pin in our Masters

Management / Management engineer

Information management + Immersion in a companye

2 unique training courses in Belgium

Specific coaching by an assistant forbaccalaureate holders from Hautes Écoles and university baccalaureate holders (passerelle)

Economic sciences

Co-organization with UCLouvain

Co-diplomation possible with another European university.