JPO Sciences

General program

Reception: Rue Grafé, 2

From 1pm to 5pm for all study sections, meetings with professors, assistants, researchers and students and presentations :

  • First-year courses, tutorials and practical work;
  • Master's studies in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology;
  • Research in the specific fields of the Faculty of Science;
  • Gateways between sections and options;
  • Individualized training (personal and bibliographical assignments.

Bâtiment des sciences

Participez à 2 sessions en 1 seule après-midi

Les séances répétées à 13h30 et à 15h vous permettent de découvrir 2 départements en 1 seule après-midi (sauf Médecine vétérinaire et physique).


From XXh to XXh: session presenting biology training followed by a tour of the ecology, microbiology and cell biology laboratories and a demonstration of confocal microscopy.


From XXh to XXh: session presenting the studies and research themes, followed by a tour of the laboratories and a presentation of some of the material/equipment used during practical work in chemistry, as well as research in life chemistry

JPO Sciences


From XXh to XXh: session presenting the course and its innovative pedagogical approaches, followed by a tour of the premises.


From XXh to XXh: session presenting geology studies and research, followed by a tour of the geology premises and laboratories and a presentation of underground exploration techniques.

JPO Sciences


From XXh to XXh: session presenting studies and research in mathematics followed by a visit to the astronomical observatory and the presentation of two workshops: lego mindstorm robots and drones.


From XXh to XXh: session presenting studies and research in the physics of life, matter and energy, physics and data and didactics. The session will be followed by a visit to a research laboratory.

JPO Sciences

Veterinary medicine

From XXh to XXh: presentation of studies and visit to the new animal anatomy laboratories.

From XXh to XXh: visit to the Faulx-les Tombes Didactic Farm (travel to be arranged by your own means)

JPO printemps medecine veterinaire

Aide à la réussite

À 14h30 et à 16h30 : 2 séances de présentation des services d'aide à la réussite en Faculté des sciences.

To pin on our Faculty...

You really study what you've chosen!

From the very first year, you tackle, for a significant part of your program, the discipline you've chosen.

You benefit from maximum supervision...

In your first-year timetable, via your course delegate, several hours can be devoted to the revision of certain subjects.

We pass on the virus...of research!

From the bachelor's level onwards, regular contact with research teams in the various laboratories roots your bachelor's training in this fascinating world where knowledge develops.

You become a scientist...human

Each course is accompanied by a global reflection on the sciences, their practical applications and their societal issues.