We offer you a course spread over 16 Saturdays from November to May, representing 98 hours of classroom or distance learning. You also have access to a distance learning platform offering a wealth of content and tools (videos, tests, forum...) to enable you to see or review different parts of the subjects on your own, practice and prepare for class hours to make the most of them. Find out how to take the course, its program, timetable and course organization here.

Training program

This session comprises 98 hours of classes.

  • 26 hrs physics
  • 24 hrs chemistry
  • 20 hrs mathematics
  • 16 hrs biology
  • 12 hrs communication and critical analysis of information


November 9, November 16, November 23, December 7, January 25, February 1, February 8, February 15, February 22, March 22, March 29, April 5, April 12, April 19, April 26 and May 17.

How to take the course

The session can be attended

  • in-person (750 places maximum)
  • or by distance learning (live or replay)

Independent of the choice you make to attend this training course, you will have access to the distance learning platform.

Course organization

Organization of distance courses

For all students enrolled in face-to-face or distance courses, all courses will be able to be taken on the "UNamur - Formations" platform. The courses will be recorded and will remain available until the day of the competition.

All syllabuses will be available there in PDF version. Other course materials can be uploaded by teachers, and all pedagogical communications will be transmitted to you via the platform.

If you have any questions or difficulties with the platform, please feel free to consult our FAQ.

Registration fees

The registration fee for course participation and syllabus purchase is €90 + €50 syllabus. Learn more about syllabus ordering.

Exemption or partial reimbursement of registration fees

In certain cases, the University of Namur grants free or partial reimbursement of registration fees. Consult the conditions to benefit from these advantages.

prépa médecine inscriptions

Online registration - Winter session

Registrations for the 2024-2025 winter session are open

  • Face-to-face, subject to availability
  • Remote until January 31, 2025

Registrations will be suspended from December 21, 2024 to January 5, 2025.