Learning outcomes

To give elementary knowledge in physics to students in Chemistry and to provide them with methods of solving theoretical problems in physics.


1) Classical mechanics Forces, potential energy, kinetic momentum, kinetic moment, Lagrange equations, small oscillations of a mechanical system, Lagrangian formalism applied to linear chains of atoms, vibrational modes of a cord or a membrane 2) Diffusion and heat transfer Continuity equations, solutions of diffusion and heat equations for simple geometries 3) Electromagnetism Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves 4) Introduction to quantum mechanics Elementary knowledge introduced from pioneer experiments (Planck, Einstein) Heisenberg relations, Schrödinger equation. Solutions to simple quantum mechanical problems

Teaching methods


Assessment method

Oral exam (theory), written paper (exercices)

Sources, references and any support material

A.A. Lucas, "Eléments de mécanique et de physique théorique", 1ière et 2nde parties, Librairie des Sciences, Namur,(1998).

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Chemistry Standard 0 4
Bachelor in Chemistry Standard 2 4