Learning outcomes

- Acquire the basic notions necessary to overcome spatial reference problems in a GIS project

- Apply the various basic and advanced spatial analysis functions related to the relationships between several layers, in an opensource GIS software (QGis)

- Learn to manage personal work and learning through various resources available on the Internet

- Learn the basics of automating spatial data processing through the use of the Python language

- Solve in an autonomous and creative way a complex spatial problem based on the different skills acquired by the student



A) Getting started with QGIS (3 sessions)
B) Advanced GIS manipulation exercises within QGIS (3 sessions)
C) Independent GIS research projects (2 sessions)
D) Introduction to GIS automation tools (PYTHON) (2 sessions)

Assessment method

The evaluation consists of a practical exam where students are given a problem to solve in an open source GIS software. The final mark takes into account both the reasoning and the practical results obtained. This exam makes up 100% of the final mark in the first and second semester.

Language of instruction
