L'Université de Namur codiplôme le master de spécialisation en approche interdisciplinaire des droits de l'enfant avec l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, l'Université catholique de Louvain, l'Université de Liège et l'Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles. 

Le programme complet est disponible sur le site de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles

Pour toute inscription au master de spécialisation, veuillez contacter l'Université Libre de Bruxelles

The University of Namur offers the Specialized master in Rights of the child (Interdisciplinary approach) jointly with the ULB.

Full details of the programme are available on the website of the ULB. 

To register for the Master of Specialization, please contact the ULB. 

The University of Namur provides teaching in the following areas:

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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    DROIB212_/Partim Family law 30h th.
    DROIB220 Youth law 30h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block
    1 2 3
    DROIM310 History and philosophy of children's rights 24h th.
    DROIY711 Systems for protecting children's fundamental rights 24h th.
    DROIC702 Introduction to children's rights 30h th.
    MEMOC700 Memory
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  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    DROIB212_/Partim Family law 5 30h th.
    DROIB220 Youth law 5 30h th.
  • <unknown>

    Left to read
    Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter
    1 2
    DROIM310 History and philosophy of children's rights 5 24h th.
    DROIY711 Systems for protecting children's fundamental rights 5 24h th.
    DROIC702 Introduction to children's rights 10 30h th.
    MEMOC700 Memory 15