Learning outcomes

This teaching unit aims to achieve a minimum B1+ level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in all five designated skills. Upon completing this teaching unit, students should be capable of mastering the following aspects:

  • In reading comprehension, students will be able to understand long texts related to their field, infer the meaning of unknown words from context, seek information in lengthy texts, and grasp the flow and conclusions of an argument without necessarily understanding all the details.
  • In listening comprehension, students will be able to follow the main points of a lengthy discussion in the target language, understand basic technical information, comprehend the information contained in most recorded or broadcasted materials if familiar with the subject and if the language is clearly articulated.
  • In spoken expression without interaction, students will be able to narrate an event while providing necessary details for comprehension, describe their feelings and reactions, explain a problem and present solutions, develop a sufficiently clear argument, verify understanding through questions, or present and explain a key concept in their discipline.
  • In spoken expression with interaction, students will be able to engage in an unprepared conversation on a familiar topic, express personal opinions, communicate confidently on familiar topics related to their interests and field of study, and express thoughts on abstract or cultural subjects.
  • In written production, students should be capable of writing simple texts on a range of diverse topics related to their field, report on experiences by describing their feelings and reactions in a simple text, narrate a story, write very brief reports conveying common factual information, take notes during a simple presentation, and compose a brief argumentative text on a familiar theme.


The main goal is to ensure that every student reaches a B1+ level in all skills by the end of Bloc 1.

The objectives that all students must achieve by the end of the year are as follows:

  • Receptive skills: Students will be capable of searching for information in written and audiovisual sources and identifying (and understanding) relevant information (the essential vs. the superfluous, data, an interpretation/elaboration of data, or an argument) in order to form an opinion or answer questions.
  • Oral Production: Students will be able to understand their interlocutor, clearly express and justify their point of view, as well as react and position themselves in relation to their interlocutor's views on one or more familiar subjects, using clear, articulate, and fluent oral expression, as well as correct pronunciation.
  • Written Production: Based on prior preparation, students will be capable of articulating information and expressing their viewpoint in a multi-paragraph text on a familiar subject, using clear and well-structured writing that reflects their thoughts.


At the beginning of the program, students will be required to take a diagnostic test through the WebCampus online platform. This test will assess certain skills (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar) to evaluate the student's CEFR level. This test will enable the teaching team to organize coherent study groups and recommend the beginner's English course to some students.

The beginner's English course is an optional A1-A2 level course designed to provide additional support in English to students who need it. Details regarding the organization of this course will be communicated through the WebCampus page 'ENSTARTER.'

The main English course is open to all students (including those attending beginner's courses). The objective of the course is to help students reach a B1+ level in all skills. Details regarding groups, schedules, instructors, and study materials will be communicated through the WebCampus page of the course.


As the course is based on the flipped classroom principle, preparatory exercises will need to be completed before each class. Active participation in class and completion of these preparations will be considered in the continuous assessment.

In addition to the preparations to be done before attending class, points related to grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation will need studied independently.

Furthermore, supplementary exercises and additional resources will be provided through reference books and the WebCampus platform (grammar exercises, links to Quizlet vocabulary lists, etc.) to allow students to practice beyond the scope of the regular class.

Assessment method

Beginner's English Course (A1-A2 Level)

The A1-A2 level English course for beginner students is optional and is not subject to evaluation.

Main English Course (B1+ Level)

  1. Continuous Assessment (10%): Attendance, active participation in the course, and completion of preparations before attending the class.
  2. Written Assessment (60%)

    Written Exam (Part 1) in the January Session (30%)
  • Listening comprehension and/or reading comprehension exercises on material related to the topics covered in the first term, including both seen and unseen material.
  • Questions on vocabulary and grammar covered in the course and worked on independently in the first semester.
  • Writing a professional email.

Written Exam (Part 2) in the June Session (30%)

  • Listening comprehension and/or reading comprehension exercises on material related to the themes covered in the second term, including both seen and unseen material.
  • Questions on vocabulary and grammar covered in the course and worked on independently in the second semester.
  • Writing an opinion piece.

Only students who score below 10/20 in the written exam (Part 1) will have the opportunity to retake this part in June. It is important to note that the grade obtained for this part in June will automatically replace the one from January, whether it's better or worse.

  1. Oral Assessment (30%)

    Oral Exam in June Session:
  • Pronunciation of a list of words learned through the Flowchase application and reading a passage from a text or video previously studied.
  • Interaction in pairs based on questions related to the topics covered in the course.
  1. August/September Session

    If a student's overall average does not reach 10/20 in June, he/she will be required to retake the parts in which they failed in the August/September session.

    However, an automatic 9/20 may be assigned in two specific cases:
  • If a student obtains an overall average score equal to or greater than 10/20, with a significant failing grade (a score below 8/20) in either both written exams or the oral exam.
  • If a student obtains an overall average score equal to or greater than 10/20 but fails (a score below 10/20) in the total of both written exams and the oral exam.

Therefore, it is essential to take all parts of the assessment seriously to successfully in order to succeed in the course.

Regarding continuous assessment, the grade cannot be improved and will be carried over as is to the second session. That is why active participation throughout the year is crucial.

If an assessment with a score lower than 10/20 in June is not retaken in August or September, the grade for that assessment will not be retained, and a score of 0 will be assigned for that part.

The August/September exam will cover the material from the entire year for all students.

Exact dates and locations of the exams will be communicated through WebCampus.

Sources, references and any support material

WebCampus Course Page: EELVB190 - English 1 (B1+ Level)

Course notes: EELVB190 - English I (mandatory)

Vocabulary Book: Stuart Redman. English Vocabulary in Use – Pre Intermediate/Intermediate 4th edition. Cambridge University Press (2017) (mandatory)

Pronunciation Practice App: Flowchase (mandatory)

Grammar Book: Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use 4th edition. Cambridge University Press (2012) (recommended)

Language of instruction
