Learning outcomes

The course aims to present the basic mechanisms of cancer and to outline the different current and future therapeutic approaches.


-Cancer genetics and epigenetics: oncogenes, signalling pathways, tumour suppressor genes, DNA repair mechanisms, epigenetic regulation of gene expression, infectious and environmental agents stem cells, growth factors, microenvironment, angiogenesis, metastasis, cell cycle, apoptosis, autophagy and senescence; -tools for diagnosis, prognosis and response to treatment -mechanisms involved in the genesis of the main cancers: leukemias and lymphomas, myeloma, cancers of the lung, colon, breast, prostate, ovary, pancreas, skin, brain, stomach,... The molecular basis of anti-cancer therapies and the mechanisms of resistance to treatment: surgical, radio- and chemotherapeutic approaches, based on growth factors and cytokines, immunotherapy and anti-tumour vaccines, targeted therapies, oncolytic viruses, etc.

Teaching methods


Assessment method

Written and oral examination

Sources, references and any support material

Molecular Basis of Cancer (Expert Consult - Saunders Elsevier) Mendelsohn, Howley, Israel, Gray and Thompson eds. The Biology of Cancer (Garland Science) Weinberd ed

Language of instruction
