Learning outcomes

As part of SVETB314 learning unit - Analysis and defense of a scientific question -,  students will develop their writing and oral expression skills in English. They will write their final paper in English and present their work orally in English in front of a jury.
This class aims to achieve a:
• B2 level in general written production: to write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects related to your field of interest/specialization, synthesizing and evaluating information and arguments from a variety of sources 

• B2 level in oral production: to give orally a detailed description and presentation on a range of topics related to a field of interest, developing and justifying ideas with relevant secondary points and examples.  



Students will learn how to write a paper in their field of specialization, and present it orally to a jury with the help of a visual aid.

Teaching methods

Students who choose to write their final paper in English will be accompanied by a language teacher to help them acquire/improve 1. their writing skills 2. their speaking skills while preparing how to give their final presentation and defense of their work. Seminars in small working groups (and one-to-one sessions) will enable regular meetings with the language teacher.

Assessment method

Students will be assessed on two skills, written production and oral production, as follows:
- Continuous writing assessment  (15%),  
- Continuous oral assessment (15%), 
- Final written assessment (35%) 
- Final oral presentation (35%) 
Students who fail to reach a global mark of 10/20 must resit the failed part(s). Writing and oral presentation will then account for 50% each.

Sources, references and any support material

All the necessary documents will be posted on WebCampus

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 3 2