Learning outcomes

The student acquires the skills necessary to carry out scientific work independently.


Building on the skills acquired in the previous years of study, the final year's work in German literature enables students to improve their skills in

- the selection of a research topic and the precise formulation of one or more research questions;

- bibliographical research in relation to the research topic chosen by the student in consultation with his/her supervisor;

- analysis and synthesis of scientific literature in relation to a research topic;

- the establishment of a research or analysis methodology in line with the research questions on the one hand and the scientific literature on the other;

- the correct use of bibliographic references in the text and the composition of a bibliography;

- writing a scientific text in German. For the preparation and supervision of the student see "teaching methods".


In consultation with his/her supervisor, the student chooses a theme which he/she develops and deepens in a personal and original way. The student establishes a timetable for the synthesis of the scientific literature, the definition and implementation of the methodology, and the different stages of the writing process. The body of the TFC, excluding appendices, tables/figures (if any) and bibliography, is approximately 8000 words (20-25 pages).


Assistant Guillaume Etienne will help students with any language questions they may have.

Assessment method

The TFE is assessed according to the achievement of its objectives (as defined above). In addition to the scientific content and the personal and critical contribution of the student to the research , the quality and relevance of the written formulation (including references and bibliographic conventions) are also assessed. The expected level of written competence in the target language is C1 according to the CEFR*, applied to an academic register. * https://rm.coe.int/16802fc3a8

Sources, references and any support material

• Documents "Allgemeine Hinweise für eine schriftliche Arbeit" and "Leitfaden für eine schriftliche Arbeit" (WebCampus)

• Example of a written work

Language of instruction
