- UE code SBIOB219
30Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 3
- Teacher Messiaen Johan
Discover some aspects of the complexity of living organisms from the molecular to the cell level and to highlight functional adapations of cells and organisms in a population in a given environment.
The course describes, in a first step, the main macromolecules of living organisms (DNA, proteins, lipids, sugars and polysaccahrides) and their functions within the cell. In a second step, the course focuses on different flows within the cell (energy, matter and information).Energy flows are explained through the processes of cell respiration and photosynthesis. The flow of information is studied at the intra- and extracellular levels. At the intracellular level, the course describes how the genetic code is deciphered to produce functional macromolecules within the cell. At the extracellular level, the course gives an introduction to how cells perceive and react to changes in their environment. The course ends by introducing the basic principles of heredity and of evolutionary changes in populations and molecules.
BAC1 Géo : Chapter 1 to 13 BAC2 Phys : Chapter 1 to 10 BAC2 Math and BAC3 Ing de gestion : Chapiter 1 à 10 + complements Chap. 1 : The molecules of life Chap. 2 : Introduction to metabolism Chap. 3 : Cell components and compartments Chap. 4 : Cell membranes Chap. 5 : Cell respiration Chap. 6 : Photosynthesis Chap. 7 : Mitosis Chap. 8 : Meiosis Chap. 9 : Cell communication Chap. 10 : Molecular basis of life Chap. 11 : Basic principles of heredity and Evolutionary chnages in populations Chap. 12 : The origin of species Chap. 13 : The molecular origin of life Complements : Introduction to the basics of modern molecular biology and biotechnology
Only for the BAC1 Géo students TP 1 : Cell division and cell cycle TP 2 : Cell compartments TP 3 : Introduction to cell metabolism TP 4 : Respiration and fermentation TP 5 : Macromolecules and introduction of the molecular clock
Course on the blackboard and documented with transparencies and computer animations. Course notes are available on webcampus.
For the students in BAC1 geology-geography (45 hours course / 15 hours practicals): the evaluation will be made by an oral examination in June. The student chooses two questions and prepares these two questions during 30 minutes in the form of a plan. Every student answers two questions: a "big" open question (value 15/20); and, a "small" question (value 5/20). The student then presents its answers orally by using his plan as support. The oral examination lasts 15-20 minutes. Practicals are evaluated continiously during the academic year. There is no end examination on the practicals. The note obtained during the practicals is integrated into the note of the final examination by observing the following rules: average superior or equal to 16/20 = +2; average superior or equal to 14/20 and lower than 16/20 = +1; average superior or equal to 11/20 and lower than 14/20 = 0; average superior or equal to 9/20 and lower than 11/20 = -1; average lower than 9/20 = -2. An unjustified absence during the practicals = 0/20. For the students in BAC2 Physique (30 hours course): the evaluation will be made by an oral examination in January or in June (same rules of examination as for BAC1 geography). For the students in BAC2 Mathématiques (option) and in BAC3 engineer of Management (30 hours course + 15 hours complements) introducing modern molecular biology), the evaluation will be made by a partial oral examination in January or in June (same rules as for BAC1 geography). The students will have three questions: two questions on chapter 1 to 13 and one question on the complement. The partial oral examination of January, if organized, equals 12/20.
The book "Biologie" (Raven, second edition, 2011)can be used as reference book (but the course notes are sufficent to understand the lectures). The book must not be bought by the student. The reference book is available for consultation at the university's library
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Business Engineering | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Mathematics | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in Physics | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Business Engineering | Standard | 1 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Physics | Standard | 2 | 3 |