Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes


The aim is to acquire the basic scientific knowledge necessary for the analysis of questions of philosophy of biology.


The aim is to introduce the basic elements of biology by working on the plant kingdom, in order to distance oneself from the animal kingdom and thus grasp the contrast between both logic.


This teaching is structured around three main themes that will each time help to put in a parallel relationship the logic of plants with that of the animal world:



  • A definition of the organism including the environment: plant architecture, mode of nutrition (carbon, nitrogen fixation, evapotranspiration, etc.), and reproductive system.


  • Secondary metabolism and relationship to otherness: attraction/repulsion; cooperation/defence; herbivore learning.


  • Architectural, genomics and metabolic plasticity: immobility management.

Teaching methods

In the teaching of integrative biology, we propose a path that goes from practice to theory, metaphorically, as one would use an inverted funnel, from the small opening to the large one.

We start the course with laboratory practises in plant biology. This is typically a practical supervised laboratory exercise that is a hands-on experience and provides guidance. This serves as a grounding to represent and understand the reality we want to grasp.

The second step in the progression aims at an extension of the first and consists of supervised exercises from scientific papers. The exercises are worked in groups, and the results are presented by each group to all students. Indeed, the possibilities of laboratory work are always limited, because they are time-consuming and expensive. This is why they must be extended by paper's analysis in the same spirit and with the same objective, i.e. to grasp the object in a concrete way.

The third step aims at the maximum extension which is the theoretical course which is in any case online and available for consultation. It aims to ensure that students take into account the entire landscape from the foundations acquired through the previous practices and this in a cooperative learning context.

Assessment method

The evaluation will be based on two criteria:


- The interaction of the student in the tutorials,

- The quality of laboratory work

Sources, references and any support material

Campbell, Neil ; Reece, Jane, Biologie, septime édition, Paris, Pearson Education, 2007.


Murray, R. K., Granner P. K., Mayes P. A., Rodwell, V. W. Biochimie de Harper, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, de Broeck, 2003.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 2 3
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 3 3