Learning outcomes

Statistical analysis, from the examination of experimental data, to the biological conclusions. Critical evaluation of experimental planning, sampling methods and the likelihood of results. Draw scientific conclusions from the confidence interval and risk of error represented in tables and graphs. Bioinformatique : under revision


I. Biostatistics 1. Inference methods on average; 2. Inference methods on variances; 3. ANOVA I and post hoc comparisons 4. Analysis of variance with two criteria for classification and more - Setting expected mean squares and determining the tests - Models and hierarchical cross-fixed, random and mixed. II. Introduction to Bioinformatics Under Review

Teaching methods

The course is based on a very detailed syllabus is the "contract of content" to master by the students . A well developed website summarizes the material, provides illustrations, exercises and evaluations. The ex-cathedra lectures do not cover all the points listed in the syllabus: special attention is paid to students' questions.

Assessment method

Oral examinations, preceded by a preparation on a computer. Diagnosis, calculation and interpretation of quantitative problem posed in the context of biology.

Sources, references and any support material

Language of instruction
