Learning outcomes

General description of current environmental problems and thoughts on short- and medium-term solutions. Development of a holistic vision of the impact of human activity on the environment.


Complement students' basic scientific training and raise their awareness of current environmental issues.


Historically, chemists have not always paid sufficient attention to the environmental consequences of their activities. With the technological advances that have resulted from chemistry, large quantities of toxic and corrosive substances have been produced and dispersed into the environment. However, the chemical industry is not solely responsible for this situation. The increase in population and wealth since the industrial revolution has overloaded the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and toxic air pollutants, our water heritage with waste water and our soil with rubbish, and we are exceeding the planet's natural capacity to cope with this waste. This course aims to raise awareness of all these issues.

Assessment method

There are two parts to the assessment: the first is active participation in the discussion that follows each of the short presentations given by colleagues.

The second is based on the production of a piece of work (a powerpoint presentation) on the general theme of the course.

Language of instruction
