Learning outcomes

At the end of the lecture, the student will have been introduced to the basic principles of the internal organisation, the programming model and the use of modern computer hardware.


The lecture opens with an introduction to MIPS machine language. Next, a processor controlled by this instruction set is built up from the Central Processing Unit. This processor executes an instruction per cycle. Architectures improving the performances are then discussed. Finally, access to memory and to peripherals is covered.

Table of contents

- Architecture and programming model: data representations, instruction sets, input/output - Organisation and micro architecture: ALU, data path, control unit, memory hierarchy, peripheral equipment, performance evaluation

Teaching methods

- Class lectures with illustrative exercises - Class practice sessions - Exercises with a MIPS emulator - Q/A mailing list

Assessment method

Oral exam on theory (50%) + written exam of exercises (50%). Failure of one means failure of both.

Sources, references and any support material

- David Patterson and John Hennessy, "Computer Organisation and Design - The Hardware/Software interface (4th edition)", Morgan Kaufman, 2009, ISBN 978-0-12-374493-7 - Dominique Sweetman, "See MIPS Run (2nd edition)", Morgan Kaufman, 2006, ISBN 978-0120884216

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Mathematics Standard 0 6
Bachelor in Computer Science Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Computer Science Standard 1 5
Bachelor in Mathematics Standard 1 6