Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes:

The student will 

- be able to describe/outline the intracellular organization of the cell

- be able to describe the main intracellular compartments and will know their main functions

- be able to recocgnize the main intracellular structures on micrographs

- will have learned the basics required to start learning Histology


Introduction to the field of cell biology.

- general intracellular organization

- biogenesis, structural and functionnal caracteristics of the main organelles

- notions of intracellular dynamics (transport of proteins, organelle movement,...)

- composition and lorganization of cytoskeleton

- basics of selected microscopy techniques

- elements of organelle pathology

Assessment method

Multiple choice questions

Sources, references and any support material

Syllabus "Biologie Cellulaire introductive à l'Histologie (Yves Poumay et Marielle Boonen)"

Reference texbook:

Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts et al., 6th edition,  W. W. Norton & Company

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelier en sciences biomédicales Standard 0 2
Bachelier en médecine vétérinaire Standard 0 2
Bachelier en médecine vétérinaire Standard 1 2