Didactics and Epistemology of Physics I
- UE code SAGRM202_P40648
30Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 3
- Teacher Dias De Carvalho Junior Gabriel
At the end of their training in Physics Didactics and Epistemology, the students must be capable of designing and implementing physics teaching sequences suitable for the second level of secondary school. To achieve this, they should have the ability to:
This course aims to assist students in:
The course covers the following topics:
The preferred approach will be a blend of theory and practice. To achieve this, we will connect with concrete situations from the second level of secondary education. Active discussion of learning situations, evaluation of didactic tools (physical and digital), and reflection on approaches used worldwide are the most significant strategies for the development of our courses.
Attendance in the course is required.
A written exam is scheduled at the end of the first semester. It will assess the knowledge and skills related to the course on physics didactics and epistemology.
The final course grade will include the exam score (10 points out of 20), the observation internship report score (5 points out of 20), and the score for practical and theoretical activities (5 points out of 20).
Astoli, J-P; Develay, M. (2017), Didactique des sciences. Paris: PUF.
Ben-Dov, Y. (1995), Invitation à la physique. Paris: Sueil.
Cosnefroy, L. (2011), L'apprentissage autorégulé. Grenoble : PUG.
Einstein, A.; Infeld, L. (1983), L'évolution des idées en physique. Paris: Flamarion.
Fourez, G. (1994), Alphabétisation scientifique et technique: essai sur les finalités de l'enseignement des sciences. Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Maingain, A.; Dufour, B. (2002), Approches didactiques de l'interdisciplinarité. Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Viennot, L. (1996), Raisonner en physique. Bruxelles : De Boeck.
PhET : available at https://phet.colorado.edu/
Other interesting works are presented during the course and their reading is strongly recommended