Learning outcomes

At the end of their training in Physics Didactics and Epistemology, the students must be capable of designing and implementing physics teaching sequences suitable for the second level of secondary school. To achieve this, they should have the ability to:

  1. Describe the Units of Learning Outcomes (UAAs) in physics programs for secondary education.
  2. Explain the missions of education and the education system of the Brussels Walloon Community.
  3. Develop cognitive processes within UAAs (Explaining concepts – Applying – Transferring).
  4. Identify students' initial conceptions related to the topic being taught.
  5. Integrate the scientific approach into a teaching sequence.
  6. Create concept maps.
  7. Describe a didactic sequence for a specific notion or concept.
  8. Identify the levels of knowledge in a course sequence.
  9. Develop and critically evaluate physics learning methodologies.
  10. Évaluate student learning outcomes.



This course aims to assist students in:

  1. Teaching physics in secondary education in accordance with school curricula.
  2. Understanding the essential aspects and challenges inherent in these programs.
  3. Creating learning sequences that include theory, exercises, and practical work.
  4. Developing and evaluating physics learning methodologies.
  5. Identifying the main difficulties students encounter while learning physics and providing appropriate didactic solutions.
  6. Designing learning assessment tools suitable for various educational objectives.
  7. Observing and analyzing the practices of physics and experimental science teachers in secondary schools.


The course covers the following topics:

  1. Epistemology and history of physics.
  2. Analysis of physics programs for the second level of secondary education and the challenges related to the distribution of concepts over the last two years.
  3. Analysis of difficult concepts to teach and presentation of appropriate didactic approaches.
  4. Identification of students' spontaneous conceptions.
  5. Experimental approach to teaching complex physics concepts.
  6. Evaluation of learning outcomes in physics.

Assessment method

During the course, a test is organized to assess the students' solid understanding of the physics taught in secondary school, and it determines their eligibility for the internship. This test places significant emphasis on formative, qualitative, and procedural aspects.
Daily practical and theoretical activities will be evaluated in a procedural and formative manner.
At the end of the first semester, a written and/or oral exam will take place. It will cover, in part, the knowledge and skills associated with the course of Physics Didactics and Epistemology (3/5 of the points), and in another part, an individual didactic assignment (2/5 of the points). The didactic assignment must be submitted one week before the exam date.
The final course grade will be determined based on the exam grade (10 points out of 20), the observation internship report grade (5 points out of 20), and the grade for practical and theoretical activities (5 points out of 20).

Sources, references and any support material

Astoli, J-P; Develay, M. (2017), Didactique des sciencesParis: PUF. 

Ben-Dov, Y. (1995), Invitation à la physiqueParis: Sueil. 

Cosnefroy, L. (2011), L'apprentissage autorégulé. Grenoble : PUG.

Einstein, A.; Infeld, L. (1983), L'évolution des idées en physiqueParis: Flamarion. 

Fourez, G. (1994), Alphabétisation scientifique et technique: essai sur les finalités de l'enseignement des sciences. Bruxelles : De Boeck. 

Maingain, A.; Dufour, B. (2002), Approches didactiques de l'interdisciplinarité. Bruxelles : De Boeck.

Viennot, L. (1996), Raisonner en physique. Bruxelles : De Boeck.


PhET : available at https://phet.colorado.edu/


Other interesting works are presented during the course and their reading is strongly recommended

Language of instruction
