Learning outcomes

- To master the didactics of economics and management sciences which guide the pedagogical action - Designing varied teaching and assessment systems adapted to the different audiences in general, technical and vocational education - Reflecting on one's teaching practices - Working in a team


To prepare students for the professional practice of teaching economics and management in general, technical and vocational upper secondary education.


• The structures of secondary education in FWB and the general reference frameworks • The specificities of economics and management science education: the teaching streams, the skills and knowledge required, the training and qualification profiles, the curricula, etc. • Learning and teaching strategies • Resources for teaching economics and management sciences • Assessment of learning outcomes using appropriate assessment tools: assessment of knowledge, formative assessment, remedial tools • The use of ICT in the teaching of economics and management

Teaching methods

Interactive lectures, group work, analysis of learning sequences, use of audio-visual aids, reading of articles. The course and the exercises form a whole. They will provide students with the theoretical basis and the tools necessary to design and develop a teaching programme in economics and management sciences. The content of the sessions is illustrated by using subject matter from the economics syllabus of the upper secondary school.

Assessment method

The assessment is based on the completion of an individual assignment: The student chooses, with the agreement of the teacher, a subject from one of the programmes of the economics sector in upper secondary education. He/she analyses in depth the issues involved in preparing a learning-teaching sequence, develops a sequence and creates an evaluation tool. Students who wish to do so may defend their work orally (optional oral examination). The oral examination is based on questions of clarification, deepening or in connection with the theoretical course based on the student's work. The teacher also offers the student the opportunity to react and reflect on adaptations to the sequence The learning-teaching process is based on a variety of teaching situations. In this scheme, the work counts for 75% and the oral examination for 25% of the final grade.

Language of instruction
