Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:
o demonstrate mastery of basic and thematic grammar and vocabulary (A2 level) in tests, demonstrate mastery in reception activities (reading, listening), and use them during production activities (writing, speaking).
o read a text and extract global or detailed information/explain its content/demonstrate comprehension via an explanation in French.
o apply reading techniques/strategies to facilitate comprehension of written messages.
o listen to an audio extract and extract global or detailed information/explain its content/demonstrate comprehension via an explanation in French.
o apply listening techniques/strategies to improve comprehension of spoken messages.
o express yourself orally on simple, everyday topics, alone or in interaction (introduce yourself, describe a situation, ask and answer questions, etc.).
o in a short video, introduce themselves and report on a discovery related to the Dutch-speaking cultural world.
o write a short text related to everyday situations (sms, e-mail, short message, commentary...).


Given the different levels of knowledge and ability in Dutch, differentiated teaching is organized.
At the start of the academic year, a diagnostic test is organized to determine the level of each student: beginner (A1/A2) or intermediate (B1).
This course aims to achieve level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in all skills, with the following main objectives:
- emphasis on reading and listening to a variety of texts related to daily and student life: reception strategies and comprehension of content ;
- oral and writing exercises based on simple, concrete situations related to everyday life and student life;
- revision of basic and thematic grammar and vocabulary related to the topics covered in the course;
- application of grammar and vocabulary in various skills, at the desired level: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written expression, oral expression (with or without interaction);
- discover Flemish and/or Dutch culture through a personal challenge;
- develop critical and argumentative thinking;
- develop autonomy in your learning (in general, and your learning of Dutch in particular);
- develop transversal skills: stress management, communication, deadline management, etc.


At the start of the academic year, a diagnostic test is organized to give students an indication of their level: from A0 (complete beginner) to C2 (excellent command). 
Learning is based on activities linked to daily and student life: reading texts, listening to videos/audio extracts, simple oral and writing exercises, discovery of Dutch-speaking culture. Students will also review/learn grammar at the expected level, as well as basic and thematic vocabulary/useful expressions.
Most materials will be available on Webcampus.

Assessment method

Continuous work/regular learning is essential for success in this course.
Receptive skills will be assessed at the end of the year: reading comprehension and listening comprehension.
 Reading and listening comprehension will be tested in a test at the end of the year: after reading or listening to a text over a set period of time, students will report on their understanding of it, using a variety of exercises (summary, gap-fill text, report, etc.).
Written and oral expression will be practised and assessed during the year in the ‘continuous assessment’ section through oral and writing activities as well as through the creation of two short videos (Q1: formative, Q2: certificate) reporting on a cultural discovery(s) linked to the Dutch-speaking world.
Over the course of the year, 4 tests will be organised to check mastery of grammar and vocabulary:
o Q1:
 test 1 (strongly recommended but optional, online)
 test 2 (face-to-face)
o Q2:
 test 3 (strongly recommended but optional, online)
 test 4 (face-to-face)
Students will discover Dutch-speaking culture and report their observations in two short videos (Q1: formative, Q2: certificate).
In order to develop their autonomy in their learning, students must keep a learning diary (‘Logbook’) in which they describe their efforts and initiatives and report on their investment in improving their learning of Dutch during the year. This should be submitted at the end of the year via Webcampus.
Any part not submitted or any unjustified absence for a part of the assessment will prevent us from calculating the student's mark and will result in a mark of 1/20 for the course as a whole.
However, for the August session, if the overall course average does not reach 10/20, each student will only re-sit those parts for which he/she did not obtain 10/20. Students who arrive late in the year following a reorientation will have to sit the parts they were unable to attend in the second session.

Warning : please note that the success of this teaching unit does not lead to certification.

Sources, references and any support material

- The course materials (texts and videos) will be available online on Webcampus.
- Evolutieve en contrastieve Grammatica’ (Deel 1: Theorie en voorbeelden, Deel 2: Oefeningen) + additional exercises online, on Webcampus.
- Vocabulary :
o ‘Le néerlandais au quotidien / Het Alledaags Nederlands’ (LNQ) vocabulary (ELV syllabus available on Webcampus in 2 parts: Q1 and Q2)
o Thematic vocabulary from all the texts and videos seen
- Tips for revising basic grammar:
o book: la pratique du néerlandais de A à Z (Didier Hatier)
o book: Nederlandse Oefenbijbel (Didier Hatier)
o The above materials are available in bookshops.

Language of instruction
